By stpddog - 25/07/2009 18:43 - United States
Same thing different taste
Butter fingers
By ImNotVeryBright - 10/03/2022 02:01
By idiot - 19/11/2016 06:48 - United States - Wausau
By Anonymous - 16/09/2019 12:00 - United States - New York
By Anonymous - 09/03/2023 16:00 - United States - Portland
By BruisedPride - 10/09/2019 12:00
By Devin - 21/06/2019 22:17
By Anonymous - 31/05/2009 22:09 - United States
By Anonymous - 01/12/2010 08:35 - United States
By aireun - 09/07/2009 05:33 - United States
By duderboi99 - 25/05/2009 19:45 - United States
Top comments
USB = Universally Snags Bowwows YDI for not knowing that before your computer purchase. :3
Wha... WHAT?! How is this even possible? A dog ran with a laptop attached to its nail? Whaaaaaat? You a damn lie!
Well look at the bright side, at least your dogs not hurt. Otherwise you would be paying for a new laptop as well as a trip to the vet.
THIS DOESN'T EVEN MAKE SENSE your dog went round the house with A LAPTOP ATTACHED TO ITS TOE.
... How're you posting this FML if you have no laptop?
YDI for being pissed at ur dog, come on who shuldve paid more attention to their dog, and y blame it on the dog and who the **** cares bout your ******* labtop, wat bout ur dog ughhh people like u annoy me hes living you cnt replace him, ur labtop cn be replaced so think twice before u call this an fml cuz of ur damn laptop
does anyone know where i can get a new laptop keyboard cuz i accidentally got diarrhea on it and it dried and wont come off ;)
I hope you're dog isn't hurt, my dog once got his claw caught (i can't remember what in), it got pulled out slightly and now it grows sideways from healing strangely. The vet has to trim it which the poor dog hates because it doesn't get worn down by walking like the others do.
people can be so rude on this site, its not the dogs fault that she got her nail caught in something and was scared, and if you ever have been around a scared animal you would know how hard it is to calm them down before they make the situation worse (kinda like PEOPLE for instance)
teehee, silly doggs. always running around and causing hundreds of dollars worth of damage