By Meow - 11/07/2009 06:28 - Australia

Today, while working at McDonald's a car full of obnoxious teens came through. They had made a $30 order, and handed me a tin of small change, claiming that on a McDonald's ad they saw that we, employees, liked counting change. I had to count out $30 in spare change during a rush period at work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 285
You deserved it 4 894

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you should have said "**** you, and come back with cash"...or, you should have gotten your manager to say that instead...i've done that as a manager because bringing in a tin of uncounted change and expecting the clerk to count it for you is just plain rude. it holds up the line behind you and makes everyone unhappy.

letitbe56 0

You should have refused them service unless they counted it out themselves. If it was during a rush, your manager would have backed you up.


I've had people do that to me when I worked at McDonalds (and I was only getting paid $5.00 an hour). =/ You should have told those kids to go **** themselves. Seriously, just because they have rich parents doesn't mean you have to put up with their bullshit!

hey, i'm victorian, check out the Currency Act of 1965. Says you can't pay for anything more than $5 using silver coins. you just reject those bogans and send them back to frankston on broady! lol

SlapMeSilly 0

i hope they were all pennies too =)

Erbtosis 10

I tell them I will only except that much change if its rolled.

Erbtosis 10

McDonalds will always be hiring compared to the businesses that are shutting down or cutting back. There are people who started there as crew people worked their way to millionaires!! McDonalds donates money to charity every day. It’s not a bad job.

And to #104 and #105: McDonalds is always hiring while other businesses go down the hole because your jobs suck. I don't give a crap how many people started as crew and worked their way to the top, you're always hiring cause people are always quitting your pansy job. It sucks, and it's a sucky profession. The only adults I've seen working there dropped out of high school or college and had no place else they could work. Yeah, McDonalds makes money, the employees get paid minimum wage. Congrats, you're really fueling the economy. You don't give a crap about the workers. There's always more and more rules about something. And McDonalds is a cheap ass corporation. Noticed the size of the fry boxes getting smaller? Sandwiches getting smaller and less content? Yeah, they're a bunch of cheap asses. I know, I was told if I fill shit all the way it'd come from my check or my job. Here's the totem pole bottom to top Crew, Customer, Manager, Corp. I hate McDonalds and their nasty food. And I hate the jerks who come through there.

XxOMGitzbrianxX 0

Wow. Those kids are stupid. Everyone knows it's the Taco Bell commercial that shows employees that enjoy counting change.

what stupid little shit-heads. you did NOT deserve that. at least the day is over though :)

imallmessedupx 0

hahah that totally sucks. I work at Wendys and almost everytime I do the drive-thru register at night I end up getting quite a few people that pay with all change when their totals are over 10 dollars

It's entirely possible that this person is working at McDonalds while still in high school or is working through college. Besides, the OP is making money - McDonalds can be a real job. Everyone should be required to work retail/food at least once in their lives, it might help people respect one another just a bit more.