By Meow - 11/07/2009 06:28 - Australia

Today, while working at McDonald's a car full of obnoxious teens came through. They had made a $30 order, and handed me a tin of small change, claiming that on a McDonald's ad they saw that we, employees, liked counting change. I had to count out $30 in spare change during a rush period at work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 285
You deserved it 4 894

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you should have said "**** you, and come back with cash"...or, you should have gotten your manager to say that instead...i've done that as a manager because bringing in a tin of uncounted change and expecting the clerk to count it for you is just plain rude. it holds up the line behind you and makes everyone unhappy.

letitbe56 0

You should have refused them service unless they counted it out themselves. If it was during a rush, your manager would have backed you up.


I've been there; I used to work at a DQ (I'm in college now). The customers made me hate life. And anyone who says "this is funny" or YDI is probably an idiotic worthless 14-year-old or a spoiled brat who has never held a crappy job in their life to pay for necessities or to save up for school. Karma will be a bitch when mommy and daddy stop paying for your bills, little ones. Enjoy your fantasy world now- the one that says you're important and special- while you can.

cameraboirzu 0

I think the kids were thinking about Taco Bell and their 89 cent burritos.

there are stories like that here, like people losing court trials and having to pay money, and paying it in the smallest possible coin. there was also a story about kids making a $200 order in mcdonalds and doing the same. it's a kind of revenge thing...

jdawg777 0

Ya know by law you dont have to accept the change

doch_fml 4

Sure it wasn't the Chaser doing a sketch? :p

That would be fair epic to see on telly sometime this season. :D

i work at mcdonalds..i feel your pain like no other... but at my work my managers said we have the right to refuse huge amounts of change like that... if the customer has a problem with it then we report it to our manager and they will take care of it... but that was really really a dumb thing to do on their part...some people dont realize how many customers we recieve that are just messing with you for the hell of it...its not cool its really annoying....

Bellalove127 0

Lmfao definitely was a taco bell commercial. Also, you really can't refuse to serve them once you make the food, can you? Isn't that just as much a pain in the ass as it is counting the change?

I work at McDonalds. I get ya. I really hate customers. Most of them are complete assholes who treat us like we aren't even human. We've never been told we can't accept change, but I know we're not supposed to take things in rolls like 10$ because we can't weigh it. I wouldn't of taken the 30$. I would have called my manager to overring the order and told them to gtfo of our drive-thru and go to a bank and turn that shit in for cash.

If you hadn't handed them the food, which I take it you didn't, then I would have just told them to pay up in cash.