By box bulge - 21/10/2011 01:24 - China

Today, whilst trying on a pair of jeans, I got my genitals caught in my fly. I'm a woman. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 020
You deserved it 9 981

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ritzbits 0

how did this phenomenon occur?

Guess you'll be bleeding twice this month


FatimaControl 0

Why were you trying on pants without underwear? Ydi

I think you shouldve kept this one to youself because i dont even want to know how this occured.

mfbkt 0

Note to op: don't go commando

That shit hurts!!!! Lol yu cant help it though...

lizliz23 0

dammmmmmn u must have like mega huge flaps