By box bulge - 21/10/2011 01:24 - China

Today, whilst trying on a pair of jeans, I got my genitals caught in my fly. I'm a woman. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 020
You deserved it 9 981

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ritzbits 0

how did this phenomenon occur?

Guess you'll be bleeding twice this month


Theplayachick_fml 0

Hmmm I guess some pussys do flap in the wind omg gags I think I just threw up in my mouth....

********-Rex .. See what I did there?? Yea w.e

jessesgirl14 16

This one made me sad for MY ******. ouch.

robc32ca 4

And that's why you a) wear underwear b) wash cloths before wearing them

You mean wash clothes not cloths and do you not try clothing on before you buy it and wash it?

fadingfaith 4

What does washing her clothes have to do with this?

biglittlehead 12

Someones got some saggy pussy lips

moviefreakXD 0

Arent you supposed to wear panites before using jeans??

You don't use jeans you wear jeans just an F.Y.I not sure where you live but in the U.S we wear jeans

Oh well, looks like you don't have to shave now.

Obviously there is room for improvement! Sorry "room" was the wrong word!