Too late

By Anonymous - 27/10/2013 23:46 - United States - Paramus

Today, I got married. My husband and I had been waiting until marriage to have sex, and when the time came, we started to undress. As I took my bra off, his eyes glazed over, and he fainted. An hour later, all he could say was, "I don't think we're meant to be together." FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 404
You deserved it 9 609

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ApollosMyth 22

Wow, that is very shallow of him.

flashback.miss 28

sounds like you married a boy, not a man. but, on the other hand it could be nerves, talk to him. hopefully he was joking...


(.)(.) instead of ( * Y * ) OP, in the end, I think all will be fine.

A handful's all that's needed. Women with larger breasts have back problems, and, honestly, what do you do with them if they're larger then C Cup?'

All boobies are good boobies. Even man boobies? Maybe.

Guys like him make me scared to get in to a relationship and disappoint the guy. :( this society ;(

Zimmington 21

94- Maybe if stop blaming others for YOUR insecurities & find happiness/confidence with your own body you'd be more inclined to find a man & not fault him for your past relationships

U don't get it! I feel perfectly fine and satisfied with myself! But it scares that I will get rejected because SOMEONE ELSE WON'T! That will lower my self esteem! Right now I'm ok! Don't comment when u can't even properly understand! I had only 1 past relationship and it was fine! So stop assuming shit about me!

I been exposed to "perfect" body type since little and still am! I want to be accepted but some people just ass holes and don't! U don't get it and you won't! Honestly your a guy so don't even talk!

Whoaaa KawaiiCupcake. Easy with them laserzzz. All you're doing now is proving #97's point.

mine are currently E, which hasn't caused any problems for me. It's just harder to find a cute bra in your size :)

Zimmington 21

104- You're obviously not secure with your body if you're still worried about what others will think or having that "perfect" body. Because there is no such thing as the perfect body type everyone likes something different. Whatever your body type there's guys that find you attractive. What NO man likes is a insecure woman with no confidence.

Zimmington 21

108- That "You're a guy so you don't understand" bullshit isn't true. Only men with the chiseled abs, toned arms, stong jaw, & all that other Hollister model/ beach body shit get on posters & tv with their shirt off. You don't think guys feel the pressure to look like that? But SELF-esteem is realizing you probably never will & being proud of how you look. Not ashamed because really only a small percentage of people have that "perfect" body.

I have to agree with #25. I prefer B's over DD's anyday. The bigger the saggier. The smaller the perkier.

She never said she was insecure. Obviously, if she gets with a man who ditches her because he doesn't like her body, it will hurt, no matter how confident and secure she is about her body. When someone who is supposed to care about you and they leave you for such a superficial reason, it hurts. This isn't about self esteem. And don't go hating on people with low self esteem. Don't say all people dislike girls with low self esteem, because it's not true. SOME people can still love another human being, even with their imperfections.

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HighlandShadows 48

Except human beings aren't cars, and they have a right to wait for sex if they so choose.

That's nearly as stupid as saying you can't give marriage advice unless you're married, which you are not according to the "Miss" in your profile

But 47 choices must be informed choices. Being sexually compatible is a massive factor in a permanent monogamous relationship. I don't believe you are properly equipped to make that choice if you don't know if that is the case.

JMichael 25

Maybe because you're too sexy for him :D

Depending how far you got undressing him: This is where you should look down and then back up at your husband while saying "I agree. I didn't think the package I would finally get to open would be so tiny!" In all seriousness though OP, I know this will hurt for a while but take it as a blessing in disguise. If he's going to make his decision to throw everything away that you two had together based off from how he thought you should look naked to him, he isn't worth it. I am sorry that you ended up marrying a jerk that doesn't deserve you. :(

You're wrong, and it's ideology like this that ensures relationships won't last. He obviously cared about her enough to wait for marriage to have sex, which I feel is a great thing as I know too many couples that only have sex as a common interest. I suspect he was a virgin though, and this being his first time it may be overwhelming. His reaction was thoughtless. But another thoughtless reaction won't solve it. As this couple has already displayed great commitment and discipline, I'm sure they will work this out.

Truthfully, I agree with #21. I know a man who married his wife JUST to have sex. He never loved her, yet had five kids with her.

I agree with the above posts, in that I hope it was just nerves. I do hope talking to him helps. If it doesn't, perhaps a marriage counselor? You obviously had reasons to marry one another that were not sexually based. That alone is reason enough to try to salvage the relationship. Good luck. I wish you the best.

frizz101 22

Sex therapist would be better than a marriage councilor. Obviously OPs husband has some sort of psychological block that makes sex too overwhelming for him.

If that's how he feels after seeing you naked for the first time, then you should feel exactly the same. You don't want to be with an idiot who only cares about your looks.

alphatoomega 21

This is why I disapprove of beliefs that require abstinence until marriage. While I do understand that not everyone wants to sleep around, a sexually incompatible couple is not going to work well. Testing each other out when you've been together a while seems like a good move.

I get that you disagree, but you have to respect it. Respecting a person's right to their own body goes BOTH ways.

At what point did he say he didn't respect it? :s do you just like hearing yourself speak... Or in this case.. Watching yourself type?

stephers444 17

He fainted because he couldn't handle your sexiness

drshn 22

exactly what I was going to say. come on people she must have totally blown him by her awesomeness

You can Google cartoon boobies pretty easily nowadays.

Keep us updated on what happens now, please!