Too late

By Anonymous - 27/10/2013 23:46 - United States - Paramus

Today, I got married. My husband and I had been waiting until marriage to have sex, and when the time came, we started to undress. As I took my bra off, his eyes glazed over, and he fainted. An hour later, all he could say was, "I don't think we're meant to be together." FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 404
You deserved it 9 609

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ApollosMyth 22

Wow, that is very shallow of him.

flashback.miss 28

sounds like you married a boy, not a man. but, on the other hand it could be nerves, talk to him. hopefully he was joking...


Maybe he's just figured out that he's gay?

The poor guy needs a little time. Remember what happened when Forrest saw Jenny? He wound up naming a whole fleet of ships after her though, didn't he?

lol don't worry, he's just nervous. idc what anyone tells you bit EVERYONE is nervous for their first time. everyone reacts different. talk to him and ease into intimacy.

Ydi for waiting until marriage. Test drive before you marry.

Yes, please impose your moral compass on others and look like a judgmental jackass.

it was probably exaduration and a joke.. you might put him in coma if it gets to sex :)

I agree with the "husband" op! You didn't wanna be married to an immature boy to which looks matter a lot. I know that assholes like him can bring us down. Just remember that we have to keep out head high and love ourselves. Don't let this make u feel ugly or try to "fix" yourself! I bet your pretty! And there are many men that like small boobs. (If u have them) your IBTC sister :)

I totally knew IBTC ment itty bitty titty committee! I wish I belonged to such a great establishment =(

Drian91800 7

Maybe he meant it in a nice way like, "you are too good for me" or something of that manner

DasHaas 9

That's the risk you take when you wait until marriage, I guess.