Too late

By Anonymous - 27/10/2013 23:46 - United States - Paramus

Today, I got married. My husband and I had been waiting until marriage to have sex, and when the time came, we started to undress. As I took my bra off, his eyes glazed over, and he fainted. An hour later, all he could say was, "I don't think we're meant to be together." FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 404
You deserved it 9 609

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ApollosMyth 22

Wow, that is very shallow of him.

flashback.miss 28

sounds like you married a boy, not a man. but, on the other hand it could be nerves, talk to him. hopefully he was joking...


Tell him that he "couldn't handle all of this anyways" while waving your hands around your body, also that's the risk you take when you wait until marriage.

Am I the only one who's first thought was that maybe op's husband is gay and was trying to deny it to himself? Then he saw OP in all her splendor and realized he can't go through with it?'s entirely possible I'm reading too much into this...

The guy just sounds freaked out, probably needs a slap in the face and a stiff drink...

Exactly why you should never get married to someone you haven't had sex with.

I literally don't understand how to take this other than 1. OP's chest is the Ark of the Covenant or 2. OP's husband is obviously gay.

threelildots 5

Look, people, waiting so long for sex is a big deal! There's little chance the man is gay and more that the scope of what he was about to discover was just too overwhelming all of a sudden. When you wait for something for so long you have a lot of expectations and some people panic at the thought of not living up to them! Poor guy, give him a few days to breathe and take it slow, there are other things you can do that'll put less pressure on the sensitive soul ;)

This makes me so glad to already have sexual experience! I would hate to be engaged to someone, building up expectations of how amazingly romantic and emotionally fulfilling sex will be, and then discover that me and him are completely incompatible on that arena. Sure, sex is only a bonus to a relationship, but I still feel like there has got to be the right amount of sexual chemistry and experience so you can enjoy yourselves together...

an3ph 20

Wow. So sorry, OP. I know it's hard not to take this personal, but unless you have tusks growing out of your chest, this is all about him, not you.