
By dammitvasquez - 12/05/2011 23:34 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend came home from a camping trip and broke up with me. All because when he was watching the lake he was near, ripples formed. Apparently, this means God was telling him I'm impure and unable to be "saved by Christ" and therefore, a waste of his time. I dated this lunatic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 318
You deserved it 8 531

Same thing different taste

Top comments

paramedicgirl87 4

Well look on the bright side. You're no longer dating a lunatic.

WompWompWomp123 7

Looks like Jesus saved YOU from that lunatic.


he's a lunatic for breaking up with her like that.

mintcar 9

This is very strange. How do you even react to something like that?

Either pull your pants down and bend over or kick him in the nuts - the choice is yours.

sweetcheeksjvl 0

True,I say tease him,just as you pull your pants down stop and say "you see this,good,cause this is the last time you ever will." then walk off. Boom Roasted! All joking aside seriously that sucks OP fyl.

Or maybe god farted under the water... FYL op and yeah like 1 said! You're not dating a lunatic anymore! Definite silver lining in my opinion.

I'll give him points for the original excuse.

And this is why I don't practice religion. (Not putting down anyone who does, it's just not for me.)

ilikeemsmall 4

Religion stood in the way of me knowing Jesus for a long time. Once I figured out who he really is and what he's is like, it changed everything. As for your BF, you have to admit that his way of breaking up with you was way more original than the usual "it's not you, it's me" speech.

You're better off without him by the sounds of it.

towboater198425 6

run from this idiot. sounds like the kind of person to start a cult. steer clear of the koolaid at his house!

and plenty Japanese in the sea too. :D Too soon? :(