What just happened?

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Bellevue

Today, my girlfriend and I were at the river. She threw mud on me, so I playfully threw some on her, and we got into a mud fight. Apparently, she took the "fight" seriously, because I'm now single. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 277
You deserved it 6 167

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did she ask you to stop and you didn't?

It's either that she's really stupid or you were throwing that mud like a champ.


You're better off. That's that shit!! Crazy ******* women taking shit too seriously! But a lot of people are like that. Be thankful you found out this early!

Or she was looking for an excuse to break up with you......

Maybe you should stick to indoor dates next time...

Guess she didn't appreciate your dirty play.

I would give that as a misunderstanding...she may comeback around...if not well you'll find someone else.,,

Yeah ... If I were you, I'd stay single, OP.

Sounds like she might have wanted to break up anyway, but wanted a "good" excuse so she wouldn't sound like a total B.