
By smth - 06/07/2009 02:39 - United States

Today, I was babysitting. The kids were thirsty, so I poured them both a cup of the green juice I'd found in a jug in their fridge. They downed it in a flash. It wasn't until later on after I'd poured myself a cup and taken a sip, I realized I had given them margarita mix. The kids are 4 and 2. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 361
You deserved it 58 708

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dimkims 0

I think that would kind of be the parent's fault. If the kids are that young they shouldn't just have it sitting in the fridge. Though, it is partially OP's fault also. Who gives kids random green juice from the fridge? Shouldn't you have at least tasted it first?

truslide 0

margarita mix has no alcohol in it. Its just concentrate. they are fine



You actually gave children an unknown drink without trying it first? Lol wow what an idiot.

So you gave them lime juice and sugar? Oh, the shame!

Colby_Colbert 0

well maybe it will make them fall asleep so you can bring ur BF over & give him that rimjob you've been promising over & over

nerdgrl128 0

if it was margarita mix then there prolly wasnt alcohol in it. but i do understand the fyl b/c that is ALL SUGAR....those would be some hyper ass kids

Because ,of course, the first thing people do when babysitting is ask the parents about every food item they have. You are an idiot.

If there was alcohol in it, then dont worry, you can never tell if kids are drunk anyways coz they can act crazy one moment and be real tired and sleepy the next.

TryToBeKind 0

I can see how a totally normal, responsible person could mistake alcoholic beverages for kiddie juice - especially if it's in an unmarked container. It's not uncommon for kiddie drinks to be bright colors and it sounds like if it were in the fridge and not the freezer, it would have the consistency of juice, albiet syrupy. I imagine that their cups couldn't have been that full and that the kids will be OK. Unless they're allergic to alcoholi cbeverages, they'll get over it. I think the parents had some liablity there as well because they should have told you not to serve the kids that drink.

hahahahahaha. When I was about 8 I got really thristy and downed almost a litre of coke. Turns out it was a rum and coke mix my brother had made to take to a party. haha. He was mad. Mum was mad. I was drunk and happy.

most margarita mix doesn't actually have alcohol in it.

idkwtfimdoing 0

margarita mix isn't that much different than soda or juice. you have to actually put tequila (sp?) in it. and i'm sure the kids wouldn't have downed it if there were alcohol in it as that really changes the taste, and would (hopefully) have been really gross to them.