Why would you do that?

By dammitt - 10/10/2009 06:10 - United States

Today, my best friend and I went to the movies. There was a hot cashier, so I thought it would be cool to talk in a British accent to try and be sexy. I walked up and started talking when he interrupted me and said in a very heavy British accent, "I know you're faking. You can stop now." FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 010
You deserved it 60 641

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what's the point of faking? if you got a date, you'd have to keep it up 24/7.

deven7 0


mrdecay 3

ooh the english accent is sexy? thanks!

Here's a new concept. Try being yourself instead of being a faker. What would you have done if he asked you out and you started getting serious?

cherlana32 0

Hahaha after he called you out you should have been like "WHAT? What are you talking about? I AM English!" And then refused to speak normally for the rest of your interaction.

ZiggyMorrison 0

Anyone on this board who actually says British accent automatically loses all credibility on there opinion at least have the common decency to say ENGLISH accent

Well "English accent" would make no sense because Americans speak English too. If it was a native English speaker saying something in say, Spanish, then English accent would make sense.

no- you speak english with an american accent and many americanisms i speak english with an english accent

Lol my boyfriend is from Sheffield, I'm from Leeds, I can't really tell any difference between Leeds accents and Sheffield ones. As for the guy who posted this fml, It's better to be yourself. If you can't impress people by being yourself then you are doomed.

Hi, just thought I'd say hello cause I'm from Sheffield and you have a Severus snaps avatar thingy majig!

You deserve it big time. And it was pretty cheesy and stupid of you to do so.

Maybe the cashier knew you were faking, and was faking himself to make you look like a dumbass :P

It's hard to fake a good authentic English accent because people so easily fall into the 'posh/central London' stereotype and its shit :)

"Never try to act like something you're not, because it always comes back to bite you in the butt!" i think that quote works pretty good here.

Scouse accent is the worst.. Sounds like mouse squealing.