Wicked game

By Hellohaileyexoh - 27/08/2009 04:07 - United States

Today, I went to get food. I was late so my friend ordered for me. I took a few bites and all of a sudden it got hard to breathe. I realized it was a blueberry muffin, and I'm deathly allergic to blueberries. I looked at my friend, and she was laughing, saying she wanted to see if it was true. I just got out of the hospital. FML
I agree, your life sucks 73 148
You deserved it 5 911

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't get you said your "friend" did that. Anybody who pulls something like that and almost murders you because he believes you're a liar doesn't deserve to be called a friend.

SelecaoIX 3

You should stab her and then tell her that you heard it would kill her and you wanted to see if it was true.


samhat 0

Im getting really pissed at all the people screaming fake and telling the OP she deserved it for not checking, smelling, or asking what it was. Theres a bakery near my house and all the muffins look the same. the blueberry muffins don't have the big blue and purple spots. And if she's allergic, the last time she might have had them was when she was a kid, and she might not remember what they smell like. If she thought this bitch was her friend, then obviously there is a lot of trust there. she isn't going to grill her friend about what the ingredients are in the muffin. since she get there late, one would automatically assume that the 'friend' was just doing her a favor by ordering for her. For the OP, seriously dump the friend and file charges. What if she wanted to see it again in a few years and that time you wont be so lucky?

themixedt4pe 0

Exactly! Also I've bought blueberry muffins before that looked like chocolate chip muffins because the blueberries are kind of withered. I've seen a LOT of different blueberry muffins (they're my favorite ^_^), and it's not always obvious what's in them. However, the "friend" obviously ordered a "BLUEBERRY muffin," so this was totally intentional on their part. Just saying, the OP very well might not have known what was in it.

KB616 11

oh thank god, someone with some common sense. not every blueberry muffin looks exactly the same, & I've definitely never noticed them having a distinct odor. OP didn't deserve it... I mean why would you expect your "friend" to try & kill you??

...So apparently I'm the only person whose local bakeries make blueberry and chocolate chip muffins look and smell the same when you first start eating them (since the chips and berries are usually so deep into the muffin, and there's no purple color until you bite into it. They also just smell like sugar and muffin and it's not until you're about halfway done that you smell the other stuff in there too). Because of our (apparently) peculiar muffins, my dad makes the mistake of getting blueberry whenever I ask him for chocolate chip muffins, so this doesn't really surprise me. Yes, you should have checked the muffin for your health and in case your friend forgot. But you were probably trying to hurry to get to wherever you were supposed to go and you shouldn't be expecting your friend to kill you just to see if your allergies are real. A bit of a YDI, but that still sucks for your friend to do that on purpose.

With friends like that who needs enemies, right? That sucks. Your friend is an ass... But maybe you should have checked what you were eating before you shoved it in your mouth? I don't know whether or not to say FYL or YDI...

yourkiddingright_fml 0

At first I thought what a stupid friend, then I realized something, you have the allergy, it is your responsibility to look before you stuff something in your mouth. It is impossible and I mean impossible NOT to see the blueberries or smell them before you bite!

#64 I've seen ones where they can't tell because they bake them into the muffin. I once orderd a choclate chip one and returned it cause they Gave me blue berry. Depends ont he store really

what an a**hole friend!!!! Drop that "friendship"!

It's hard to tell what's inside with some muffins...besides, it's entirely possible that the OP assumed their friend was NOT an evil asshole and trusted that the food they gave him wasn't laced with something that was going to kill him!

georgie_sweetypi 0

Ok well this is something that really pisses me off... I am allergic to Peanuts and i will die if i eat them. Some people don't understand how bad people are allergic, in school people eat peanut butter sandwiches over me... that is just people not being aware and just being careless but actually giving you it on purpose, what a bitch!

I don't think u should call her a friend anymore.(maybe replace the word friend with douche)

roseofwinter 1

sue her for the medical expenses and never call her your friend again