Work out

By anon - 20/03/2015 21:43 - United States - Arlington

Today, I decided I would actually make use of my apartment complex's exercise equipment. My routine consisted of one mile on the treadmill, and 15 minutes on the toilet followed by 10 minutes of lying in the fetal position on my bath mat. Great core workout. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 539
You deserved it 4 398

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's one mile more running than if you hadn't gone! Think positive!

Hey at least you ran a mile! Never give up!


Running is cardio, core is abdominals and obliques mostly. Ease yourself into working out, you can really hurt yourself if done wrong

Op was joking about the core exercise because of the stomach issues afterwards, but thanks Captain Obvious. Lol

Haha well normally people go to the bathroom before they run…

xChaos 29

I think you might've misunderstood why OP went to the bathroom...

at least you're in shape after that. how much pounds did you lose?

It's always hard at the beginning. Don't push yourself too hard, OP and don't get discouraged by this. Unless it was related to some medical condition, the second part of your "routine" won't happen every time.

At least you have alot of room for improvement.

OP, only use a treadmill if you want to hate running.

Some people are not natural runners (like me). After you recover, take it easier next time, and don't get discouraged!

Just wait till you reach that runners high ;)

I find if you take short breaks in between exercising it keeps you more energised

hoosiergirl94 31

That's how I picture it going every time. So I just don't go workout