Work out

By anon - 20/03/2015 21:43 - United States - Arlington

Today, I decided I would actually make use of my apartment complex's exercise equipment. My routine consisted of one mile on the treadmill, and 15 minutes on the toilet followed by 10 minutes of lying in the fetal position on my bath mat. Great core workout. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 539
You deserved it 4 398

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's one mile more running than if you hadn't gone! Think positive!

Hey at least you ran a mile! Never give up!


That's the secret about running, it almost always make you have to poop immediately

That's normal, it just means you kept your heart rate too high for too long or that you didn't let your last meal digest properly before you started. The main thing that concerns me is puking for 15 minutes and then the 10 minutes of pain afterwards - I don't think that's normal. I've been sick after doing cardio before and it was just elevated heart rate (from - "it can be dangerous to let your heart rate go above 85 percent of your maximum heart rate. This upper limit translates to 162 beats per minute for a 30-year-old, 153 beats per minute for a 40-year-old and 145 beats per minute for a 50-year-old") - it's just your body telling you to slow the f**k down, but all I did was puke once (mostly water, yay) and I felt heaps better. There was no pain...

Oh and I'm assuming you were puking on the toilet, not crapping... But I could be wrong lol

Keep at it. The hardest part is the beginning

Maybe tomorrow you can get to 30 minutes on the shutter. Get some reading material.

Man, what did you eat? For that 'core' workout you could have skipped the treadmill and hit the Taco Bell with the same result. But seriously. Start slow. Start so slow you think it isn't doing anything. Only move up in intensity until you feel the start of resistance. Then maintain that level until it there is no longer resistance. Slow progress is much more reliable. Or at least that's what I can parrot from the physical therapist who worked with me for my bum knees years ago.

You probably lose a pound or two poop + 1 mile run!

Watch your heart rate, don't work out right after a meal, cut on the fat intake.

Now to go back and do it again every other day! Don't worry, you will get better at it. Promise! Just be sure your form is correct!

The hardest part is making that initial effort. The fact that you worked out until you couldn't anymore shows that you pushed yourself. You ran a mile farther than you would have if you haven't gone to the gym. You're doing great! Keep at it, and don't give up :)