By spitball101 - 12/01/2014 05:26 - Australia

Today, my boyfriend of 3 years finally proposed to me at the park we first met in. As I was about to say yes, a huge fly flew straight into my mouth. I ruined the moment by choking on it and eventually spitting it out on him. I think he's rethinking the proposal. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 666
You deserved it 4 938

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If that makes him rethink the proposal you should rethink your yes.

You need to learn to swallow not spit


I would expect him to be worried about you choking, not take back the proposal

Why would he get mad because of something you couldn't possibly control? Anger problems?

damnit1989 16

I would've laughed and smiled sweetly hahaha. Did your (hopefully?) fiancé laugh? If so them I wouldn't be worried. I wouldn't be worried unless he actually took the ring back and left mad. Which I doubt if he's worth saying yes to.

Shit happens. If he proposed to you a fly won't change him wanting to spend the rest of his life with you.

At least you'll have a great story!! Congratulations!!

If he really loves you, I'm pretty sure he'll propose again!.

GogoTheGreat 12

That'll be a good story for the grandkids!

Now if your tongue darted out and caught the fly... And they lived happily ever after.

If he rethinks the proposal, I'm sorry but then he doesn't truly love you, it was a freak thing, he should understand and if not then he's not the one.