You learn something new every day

By virginkiller - 03/03/2012 13:23 - Singapore

Today, my girlfriend revealed to me that she has primeisodophobia. What is primeisodophobia, you may ask? Well, it's the fear of losing your virginity. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 247
You deserved it 5 715

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like a natural fear that the two of you can work through together to a mutually satisfactory result. Getting her to face her fear is important for your relationship.

Morgannnnuhhh 1

So make her Un-afraid.(: show her that you love her, comfort her and support her. She will eventually come around, more men need to think with there brain instead of their dicks.


Very common in hong kong. More of all the girls fear sex all the time

Well doesn't everybody because it scary losing your virginity cu u may be scared and like you all should know!

I have the same problem...and I'm a guy. Tough luck OP :/ I'm sure she'll come around eventually (no pun intended)

You have a choice - get her really drunk or wait til she gets over it... Lol

dcg1375 7

171-i would thumb you up but I use the iPhone app and your comment is too long to allow me to thumb it up.

Well...then i guess Most girls have that

Introduce her to the world of surprise sex. She will never see it coming.