By StantheMan93 - 02/02/2015 23:59 - United States - Perrysburg

Today, my wife's boyfriend learned that you can't flush condoms. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 138
You deserved it 3 596

Same thing different taste

Top comments

On the plus side, if there is one: you're clearly the smarter man she's in a relationship with.

LizetteBerenice 22

And now your wife knows she can't get away with things.


damn.. sorry to hear that. get a divorce asap

MetalxSoldier 26

and a new girlfriend. (one that won't cheat obviously)

Mysterious_one 26
Mysterious_one 26

#35 posting something twice doesn't suddenly make it funny

I'm guessing no more than two arms and two legs

They never said all the limbs were theirs...

Did you know that limbs cost anywhere between $1,000 and $5,000 dollars on the black market. Therefore, you're telling me that your comment is about the same price as my car....

hugozac88 22

Clearly he still more arms left because he still sent his comment in

No have u ever seen how that works out?she will Fvck him too.

LizetteBerenice 22

And now your wife knows she can't get away with things.

On the plus side, if there is one: you're clearly the smarter man she's in a relationship with.

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YourOpinionSucks 22

I had to make an account just to reply to you. Seriously? "Work it out like adults and move on." I hope by move on, you mean OP find a better, less whorish girl to give his love to, than to work it out with his wife. Once a cheater, always a cheater I say.

I don't believe "once a cheater, always a cheater". My ex's dad cheated on his mom, felt horrible about it, and came clean. They were separated for a while, then went to counseling and worked it out. They're still married to this day, happily married at that. They take vacations almost every weekend and are still very intimate.

I think OP will prefer to divorce like adults instead.

Each case is different, but ultimately it is up to those wronged to decide if they are willing to forgive. Cheaters are not owed sympathy or forgiveness.

I agree 58. Personally for me if I was in a commited long relationship and my partner cheated and felt bad and TOLD me about it rather than me finding out, I'd work it out.

mike762414 6

Tried that, it rarely works out.

Sorry to hear about that OP. Keep your head up!

UhHuhHoney 20

what does that mean?... 'Some major **** happened' ?

'Shaking my f*ing head' smh also means 'shaking my head'

guynamedsky 15

#17 is right, why vote them down?

UhHuhHoney 20

*shaking my ******* head*, not that hard retards.

tantanpanda 26

Lol it did contribute something; it answered a question.

dragoongirl90 34

Aw I'm sorry OP. With the failure of the flushing of the condom, they flushed your marriage. Better you found out sooner rather than later, though. I know it hurts now, but you will heal and find a woman worthy of you.

I'm thinking she flushed the marriage long before he tried to flush the condom.

dragoongirl90 34

Well duh but saying it that way wouldn't have been as eloquent.

Sorry man... Not much to say about these things :(

TheForgetfulOne 12