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By SweetStuff88 - 15/11/2012 13:37 - United States

Today, my girlfriend admitted to me that she has been sleeping with someone on her girls basketball team, which at first turned me on. Then I found out he's the team manager. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 604
You deserved it 9 717

Same thing different taste

Top comments

flockz 19

now she has her hands on balls on and off the court.

Now that's what I call double-dribbling.


Inheritance 10

Curious how he would feel if she had slept with a transvestite... Mixed feelings perhaps? Or what about with a day guy

A team manager whom she's going to spend the rest of her petty life with!!

flockz 19

now she has her hands on balls on and off the court.

Looks like the phrase "taking one for the team" was used a bit too literally

ciumegu 6

I would report that if she's in high school not specified,but bro that sucks.

StalkerChick 13

Team managers are usually high school students, too. I was the manager of the JV girls team during my freshman year. It's just a euphemism for "the coach's bitch" tho...

Is it just me or does ciumegu's abs look oddly chubby? O.O

oceanbeauty 17

Nope, they are lookin' pretty good to me!

sammisweets93 12

Yup, same here. I was the manager of the track team. My coaches were awesome though.

Is it just me, or does #4's abs look somehow chubby :/

SenselessPattern 12

They did spell "you're" right though.

Wow. I'm going to have to agree with Doc on this one...

I never said it was a good joke but people took it too seriosly.

KommanderKush420 5

33- There IS a 'thumbs up' button for that you know.

55: Forget being too serious, the joke just plain didn't make sense.

One time, a priest told me about my flying pet monkey being in lady gaga's dreams, and at first I was lost, but the James Dean coughed and everything made sense...*looks around at thread* did I come at a bad time?

Heterosexual sex is just as much of a turn on I would think, but personally I'd be turned off by any form of cheating. I don't care if its your best friend, your boyfriend, or your dog, if you're in a committed relationship and you break that commitment there is nothing sexy about it. Unless there's a threesome involved, of course..

But would a threesome really be cheating? You all agreed that its be okay.

In a way it's cheating, but not really.

It's not cheating if all parties involved consent to it.

Well it would be cheating if the threesome didn't include your significant other :).

Now that's what I call double-dribbling.

Yeah if he dumps her I guess she will be on the rebound.

flockz 19

come on guys! coach just wanted to drive the lane.

The manager was probably just posting up. OP could always suggest double teaming. Hopefully the girl doesn't suggest any man-to-man coverage.

she kept telling him, "gimme the pill...!"

phantumgrey 6

The only thing that is important is knowing when #38 turns 18

bonsaiboy26 1

Really fyl if you have to hit on other commenters on fml #52.

8- I must say sir, I'm very impressed with this streak of clever puns. Kudos my friend, kudos.

Any cheating is still considered cheating.

Nah didn't you know the up-coming zombie apocalypse makes it ok.

It's a reference to another fml that said someone's girlfriend said it's ok to cheat because of a zombie apocalypse soon. (Not word for word.)

Um...duh! That's like saying, any table is considered a table. Really not a comment we needed.

SystemofaBlink41 27

67- I really don't see how that analogy works here...

I guess the coach scored the basket on that one. For him it was a slam dunk! But yeah that sucks.

Rushedfirstcommentfail-itus has claimed another victim... *cue funeral music

27, I could NOT agree more. This drives me insane sometimes. If someone ***** around, that's their burden to bear, regardless of how much it eats at them. Unless something positive can come out of it, the other person doesn't deserve that dumped on them, no matter how many times people say they'd want to know.

42- so you would rather not know, and stay with the scandalous piece of garbage while she continues to cheat? Why are people such ******? Jesus. My recent ex is also a *****. They should start a club or something.

I think I would want to know if someone was cheating on me. I wouldn't give him any credit for being honest, if he felt that bad he wouldn't have done it in the first place, but I would still want to know if I was in a relationship with someone who was lying to my face. You could waste so much time in a relationship with someone who doesn't deserve it. Of course you'd be upset, and people don't deserve to have that be dumped on them but its better than staying in that relationship

Or to completely break out of the relationship

+1. That's soooo true... That's exactly what my ex told me... But her brain ****** friends managed to convince me that I should be greatful enough to accept her honesty...

amandajlucas2015 2

I told my boyfriend from the start that if he ever decides he ever needs to cheat on me he better just tell me straight up because 1) I would not want to be with him anymore 2) I would never want to be touched by him again. So once he cheats it's not his decision anymore to be with me he had better tell me because I wouldn't want to be with him.. I told him this hoping that it would create a lack of confusion on the whole subject of whether or not he should try and keep the secret from me.. So far he hasn't said he's cheated so I trust him hopefully he gives me no reason not to

Some people cheat and have absolutely no remorse, and not only don't fess up, but create elaborate lies to hide the affair, and/ or continue to try to lie about it even after they've been exposed. I agree that freely confessing to cheating doesn't make up for the offense, nor should one necessarily continue to date someone simply because they were honest about it, but it does avoid committing the deeper wrong of lying about it, and is a testament of remorse and possibly even positive character development. Being honest about something like cheating, especially when the person could have gotten away with it otherwise, shows that they've likely learned from their mistake and will avoid repeating it in the future. Sadly though, once trust is broken in a relationship, it's nearly impossible to restore, even with such displays of honesty. Most of the time the confessed adulterer can do nothing but move on from the relationship they've broken and commit themselves to not destroy their next relationship in the same way.