By Anonymous - 21/03/2014 05:14 - United States - Phoenix

Today, a tiny worm was wriggling across the screen of my Mac laptop. I tried to wipe it away with my thumb, but it just kept crawling. Turns out the worm lives *inside* my screen, beneath the glass. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 634
You deserved it 4 726

Same thing different taste

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That would be an amazing worm if it could bite him through the screen.

Anything to move the story along and get to the training montage part of the film.

Many worms bite. I've been bit by them while feeding reptiles before.

How is it able to survive inside there ?

Its the worm's house.. Im sure It knows it knows a way out!

Who cares? Remember on windows where that little paper clip dude popped up to help you? Well now OP has a friend just like him...except alive and wiggling!

it probably felt like it was wormer inside the screen.

lexiieeex3 32

I literally just shivered from reading this. That I'd beyond disgusting. Take it to the Apple store and demand a new computer I am so sorry OP.

Dillyduzit 23

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Compost piles are proven to improve battery life. These are the things they don't want you to know about.

chocolatefrog28 29

Get a tiny aerosol bottle of pesticide and squirt it into your cd drive, should take care of everything.

no, he needs to put it in the microwave for 1 minute.

buttcramp 21

30, a laptop in the microwave sounds like a terrible idea.. but what do I know?

33- believe it. its on the internet,it has to be true :P

Except that doesn't take care of the decomposing worm body.

larrena2377 26

Hopefully it doesn't cause your computer problems! You might need to take it somewhere and make sure there's not more than one

Or OP could run the antivirus software? My one protects against viruses, trojans, spyware, malware and spam as well as worms :)

It might be time to buy a real computer. :p

Rainhawk94 27

It'll die eventually....or invite friends

How does one get a worm in a laptop screen... Bad luck OP. Sorry!

It's been known to find worms in computers. Alledgedly the US once managed to get on in to an Iranian computer

Why would the US put a worm in an Iranian computer?

skyeyez9 24

Its a joke. The "worm" MortenM mentioned is a virus meant to disrupt Iran's nuclear bomb making efforts. frying their computer networks in the compound and erasing the data. Except it was Israel who put the virus in it, not the US.

Crawling in my screen, these worms they will not heal.

WhatsMyNameTho 11

- Fear is why it crawls, confusion this apple's not reaalllll.

there's something inside it that crawls beneath the surface, consuming, confusing...


This worms lack of self control I fear is never ending Controlling, confusing

To find that worm again My patience wears so thin (without a sense of confidence and I'm convinced that there's just too much pressure to take) I've tried bug spray before Just to be suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure

I can't listen to that song without giggling now..

It can't finds it way back out. The walls are closing in.

Incase anyone is wondering its "In The End" by Linkin Park

#97 You're right about Linkin Park, but this song is called... Crawling.

I spent about ten minutes trying to figure out how that was "In The End" before reading 102's comment...

My bad guys. I had just realized that it was Crawling and wasn't able to edit my comment