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By Anonymous - 22/02/2013 02:56 - United States - New York

Today, I stole a pen from the doctor's office while she wasn't looking. Later on at work, I idly pulled the pen out during a meeting. My colleague looked at me, horrified. The pen had the words "minimally invasive gynecological surgery" emblazoned on it. I'm a man. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 660
You deserved it 51 508

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I hope it wasn't a labeled instrument for said surgery ...

Nothing worse than a thieving tranny (says the chick with the mustache)

i hate when people steal the pens in our office!! those are not complimentary pens; they are for others (and the staff) to use. I say that you deserve it wholeheartedly. To accidentally take it is alright, but you purposely stole it...

I always take pens from the doctors office, they have cool pens, I was there once when the medical supply rep came and I asked if I could have a pen, not only did I get a pen, he gave me and my mom a huge handful of pens!

Am I the only one who read this as a huge handful of penises?

whiteboy896 9
yoursucklives 36

It gives you a thrill of stealing. Just like when I went to Burger King and got more napkins and ketchup packets than necessary. I like living on the edge.

perdix 29

#3, why would you buy a pen when there are so many loose ones laying around just asking to be stolen?

wouldn't it be easier to find a nearby TD bank?

oj101 33

Hilarious - this is going straight to the favorites. You can't deny that you deserved that one.

freebirdfly 6

It could have said "massively invasive" you lucked out ;)

Is she also a gynecologist or do you suppose she steals their pens?

Medical supply and drug companies give doctors a bunch of cheap branded merchandise -- labeled pens, notepads, squeeze toys, etc. -- often leaving tons of the stuff every time they come by, or piling it on them at conferences. What doctors wind up with is not even necessarily in their specialty. Why anyone would want to steal the stuff is beyond me; the pens rarely write as well as the cheapest ones you can find at your local stores.

Thank you, pen expert. Now I know the truth.

That penis what's making others look at you that way.

oj101 33

Maybe you could give it to her. You never know, you could save her life!

“what are you looking at man!? yeah I cold stole this from my doctor! WHAT?"