
By Anonymous - 20/03/2009 15:07 - United States

Today, I had my girlfriend over and we were hugging when she put her feet on my feet. We started walking around like that and I said, "This is hard to maintain." She replied with "So's your erection." FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 694
You deserved it 17 086

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah, I hate when some people decide to make things a lot more depressing for no reason. It would be even worse if you had erectile dysfunction. =[


zidane312 0

haha, you should of said thinking of your mom helps keep it up

devilcurls6981 0

why does everybody take joking so seriously

49 how the hell is saying something bad about a bodypart worse than saying shit about the guys erection? thats way worse dicks are no good if you can't even keep a hard on then all they are good for is peeing standing up. That being said i still think this is a joke as i said before

bread_fml 0

That's her fault for not being able to turn you on. Tell she needs to be more sexy or you'll dump her.

#49, u are the biggest hypocrite EVER. "cuz that was a body part that he was talking about...and he got mad at me for not taking the joke. BS." that is the EXACT same situation as OP was in, except hes a guy. how is a penis not a body part? and why should you be allowed to get mad for your boo-hoo experience and he cant? just because hes a guy hes not allowed to be sensitive about his privates? EQUALITY!

wow guys chill u r taken this a little TOO seriously, dude who wrote this FML: she was joking, she didnt mean it, dont take it too seriously and women are not cold hearted, just becasue we overthink things ALOT and freak out in awkward situations does not mean we're cold hearted bitches (....most of us...)

wow don't hate! as ive said, they were talking about the erection --- and the ''joke'' was not directly pointed to the guy's penis! --- in comparison to a guy telling a girl to get a fucken boob job cuz your boobs are small!?!? gah. people are so serious in here! wtf

DaftPyramid 0

Sounds like that's more of an issue with her than you.