Cool your boots

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - Bristol

Today, the guy I live with demanded that I get a job or start paying rent. It'd be perfectly reasonable, if he wasn't my husband, and if I hadn't just given birth to our first child. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 695
You deserved it 6 024

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I bet he won't be saying that if he went through labor.

Tell him that you have a job. Caring for a newborn. Also let him know that since it's his child he needs to pay back rent for the nine months your baby spent living inside you.


He does know that your OB needs to OK you going back to work, right?

**** that tell him being a mom comes first a wife second.

This is complete bs. If it were true you obviously married the wrong person

How sad is this. He doesn't appreciate you at all.

flashback_fml 14

Just tell him that you already have one and provide him an itemized invoice for all of the things you do. I think it's Forbes that had the break-down of what SAHMs are "worth" based on your geographic location

I would tell him to consider the cost of childcare for a newborn, and how much of the extra income you bring into the family would actually be left over by the time your paid the daycare...

rocker_chick23 27

I am a stay at home mom for that exact reason. Daycare is really expensive.

That's exactly what we did and cost of daycare would eat up all of a part time salary if my wife tried to work anywhere. Wasn't worth it. Best child care is mommy with baby and that's how we have managed and I'm proud to say I'm making it happen.

skittyskatbrat 19

Hubby will likely be a stay-at-home Dad as my job pays more and also covers health insurance. In all honesty, he'll go nuts as a stay-at-home so we'll probably have him work afternoons, put baby girl in daycare for 3 hours, and then I'll pick her up after work. It depends on a lot of things...but he would NOT expect me to go back to work immediately at all, even if it is the US and even if we get zero paid maternity leave.

why would anybody vote you deserve it? dumb hicks

Because she knew the type of guy she married and clearly if he's like this about her working, one can imagine how he treats her in other aspects.