Creeper alert!

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my boss came over to my desk and struck up a casual conversation about movies. After a while, he sat on the edge of my desk, nodded toward my chest, and said in the same casual, lighthearted tone, "And nice cleavage today. Keep that up." FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 728
You deserved it 13 838

Same thing different taste

Top comments

baydestrian_girl 0


WolfgangDS 0

So, you wore an outfit that shows off your cleavage, and you're here complaining about how messed up your life is when your boss takes notice? You dress up to show off your boobs... and complain when people notice. I'm sorry, but GTFO.

To help your career, you should blow the guy. If he likes your cleavage, I'm sure he'd like to tit-**** you. You get involved with him like that, and you'll have him by the balls (both literally and figuratively). I had a female boss a few years ago, who was barely do-able. (I wouldn't have given her a second look at a bar.) I would have ****** her if she wanted to, because it could have helped at work. After she became bitchy to me, I had to find another job and it was my WIFE, of all people, who thought she turned on me because I wouldn't sleep with her. Creative thinking, dear, but wrong. In both cases, there's the theoretical right and wrong, and then there's the way the world really works.

Get a bra that doesn't expose cleavage, or a more conservative suit. Either that, or stop complaining. People dress in a way to grab certain attention. If you don't want people to comment on your cleavage, don't have cleavage.

omfg! thats sooo terrible but funny lmao, best of luck girl!

1. i agree with the people who say that we have no IDEA what she was wearing. i have naturally larger breasts and even when I wear a modest shirt cleavage can be seen from awkward angles. maybe her boss is just a creep and was looking down her shirt. i wouldn't sue, but if it made you feel uncomfortable or harassed i would complain. no woman ever deserves that. that's like saying if a woman looks attractive or wears something revealing she deserves to be raped. if you think they do there is something seriously wrong in your head to be wishing that kind of pain on a person. also, if she WAS dressed inappropriately for work her boss should have handled it in a professional way, not by 'complimenting' her on her breasts.

ergo_fml 13

that is sexual harassment, but do try to dress more appropriately in the future

intothevoid612 0

like you didn't know how much cleavage you were showing off