Creeper alert!

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my boss came over to my desk and struck up a casual conversation about movies. After a while, he sat on the edge of my desk, nodded toward my chest, and said in the same casual, lighthearted tone, "And nice cleavage today. Keep that up." FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 728
You deserved it 13 838

Same thing different taste

Top comments

baydestrian_girl 0


HAHA. Best FML ever. Since we're all pointing fingers here, it's really both of their faults. Hers for wearing clothing that reveals cleavage. And his for being a perverted asshole.

Lets be real, if a man were walking around with his **** almost exposed, people would talke about it at the very least. So why should this lady be so offended? Perhaps she should tell her boss it was not appropriate but any further action at this moment is premature.

No one "re-opened the wound"... you posted the response about it. I bet you would feel better if you took those ******* down.

In all seriousness and rationality, everyone should shut their pieholes. Whoo-hoo, he complimented you one your breasts according to your clothing. Go home and slit your wrists for all I care, because then I won't have to hear you blowing your head off after receving a compliment (albeit a vulgar and unnecessary, and I do accept that fault laid on the manager). I guess this is what the world has gone to eh? One misinterpretation/ uncomfortable comment/innapropriate gesture and everyone starts wailing and crying and running around like headless chickens. Get a ******* hold of yourselves. -If- this is the -only- time this man has made such a comment, then get over it and move on with your life instead of posting on here so you can fill some sort of emotional void. Both of you are to blame for this, you for your "inappropriate" dressing manner, and him for slipping the trick (he should know better, hence he is a loser for not knowing you and your insecurities). Men have a tendency to look "there", if you get my drift, it's an urge for godsake, and if this is the only time he has done it the he was once good at restraining himself in front of you in the past, or perhaps he wanted to drop a hint. Suing him isn't gonna do anyone any good, because it shows everyone that you have overreacted over the edge and are such a sloth that any mild uncomfort that anyone inflicts on you is unbearable. What the ****.

Congratulations on your upcoming promotion.

ithedarkknight 0

really who guys a shit a guy gives you a compliment and you all of a sudden call him a creep or perv? And then want to sue or say sexual harrasment? Thats ****** stupid i get so mad because some of these girls out here think there soo ****** great... shit i will tell any girl to there face bitch you aint shit... get of that high horse of thinking your so ******* great and go wash your stink ****** lmao XD no offense to all other women im just talking about the ones who think there all that and the ignorant idiots who posting on here talking shit... always calling guys creeps and pervs like we dont have feelings to you ******

wow, did you skip all your english lessons in school? or were you just so stupid that you resorted to that kind of language? If so, it's really creative of you! well done, IDIOT!!

wrift 0

wat a brave, heroic asshole

BeQuickOrBeDead_fml 0

Wow. BTW I skipped all the comments lol Im not reading that shit. Anyways, Hes either a ******* dick or a diry bastard. You choose :D

grimmelok 0

I would def threaten sexual harassment if I were the OP. If what she was wearing was actually inappropriate, then he should have simply said that. Not complimented her.