Creeper alert!
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States
By EmployeeOfTheMonth - 27/06/2009 07:03 - United States
By titsmcgee - 11/02/2015 21:51 - United States - Oak Brook
By Cody - 06/07/2009 23:28 - United States
By candy - 11/02/2016 12:24 - Canada - Kitchener
By brandonborgie - 10/08/2021 04:01 - Australia
By Chubby - 17/11/2011 16:50 - United States
By GiWi - 18/11/2009 16:45 - Ireland
By FML - 05/07/2010 00:15 - United States
By WeightonmyShoulders - 11/12/2015 21:10 - United States - Canandaigua
By NotHungryAnymore - 01/03/2016 15:46 - United States - Rochester
Some people, actually do, but not usually in the usual work place :P
haha... that's what I'd probably do as a boss to make my employees more conscious about not having cleavage at work. depends though lol
Seriously? That's sexual harassment! Report it or be abused by future gawkers in the office. Better yet, keep it up and build yourself a horrible reputation at work. I don't even think that's ok in a strip club!
If you can't control your boobs then the guy can't control his mouth.
"Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when this conduct explicitly or implicitly affects an individual's employment, unreasonably interferes with an individual's work performance, or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment." ( While this is a pretty mild case of sexual harassment, it nonetheless qualifies under the EEOC guidelines delineated above. That's not feminism, it's factual information. You'd be surprised at how many seemingly harmless statements or actions can constitute harassment. I'm not saying I agree with it, but it is what it is.
176---you're a loon. Are women this bloody stupid? This is how we get raises! This is how we make as much as a man! By showing cleavage. I show cleavage, I have long legs and a short torso and am a tad shy of 5'9". I work in IT. I get checked out at work, on the street, in clubs, wherever. Like I said earlier, he complimented now go ask for that raise! It's your open! Hasn't anyone seen Mad Men? Or are we all just so caught up in the fact that ******* cleavage doesn't bloody well mean he's going to rape her one night after work. It seems like a pretty innocent comment to me. Men LIKE to look at women. Go figure. And we should sue them for it. Honestly, the States are so litigious it's disgusting. No Esquire would take her case. And isn't cleavage, décolletage? Therefore, that is still considered part of the neckline, not the tit line people. Get some brains, would ya?
Actually I am one of them. I have both brains AND beauty. And like to be complimented on both. Validation in all forms gives a warm fuzzy to the one receiving it.
Oh 220, I'm sorry you're fat and ugly aren't you?! Oh, I am so sorry! You poor thing! What you must have to put up with in life.
Just file a harassment lawsuit and prevent him from getting that promotion. He'll drink vodka to drown his sorrows. 'course, it'd probably end up in him ******** on your desk.
i'm pretty sure thats illegal
OMG what a