Creeper alert!

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my boss came over to my desk and struck up a casual conversation about movies. After a while, he sat on the edge of my desk, nodded toward my chest, and said in the same casual, lighthearted tone, "And nice cleavage today. Keep that up." FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 728
You deserved it 13 838

Same thing different taste

Top comments

baydestrian_girl 0


if i had boobs i would want people complimenting me on mine

Report the sexual harrassment and you will become unemployable. Would you be able to handle the cross-examination at the trial? Why are you exposing your cleavage at work? Suppose you could handle it and the years it would drag on for and having to give your lawyer most of the winnings, you are not going to come out with enough money to last for the rest of your life. Once employers associate you with a successful lawsuit, you will become toxic. How much do you expect to win for "Nice cleavage, keep it up?" Now if he said, "Deep throat me or you're fired," you could have walked away rich! Reality sucks, and if you were smart, you would, too.

SirAwesome 0

If she's comfortable enough to show them off, why isn't she comfortable enough hearing about it?

fxdxhk90 0

#202 pretty much said all that needs to be taken into consideration

wow i have a hard time believing this but if its true looks like you have a good lawsuit for sexual harassment

Soo much win!! Ah, only in good ol' NY.

MestizoFilipino 0

You're upset about getting a compliment? But he still should've kept it to himself.

It was not appropriate for him to comment on your breasts. I can't believe that there are so many people that think it's okay to make sexual remarks towards someone just because some cleavage was showing. That's really disgusting that people think it's okay. Not all women are comfortable with getting comments about their private body parts. We don't know the whole situation, but it does seem like her boss is a pervert, and it was an unwelcome advance. Talk to him about it, and do your best to hide your breasts. :/

DeadMansCrack 4

If you're uncomfortable about that, just tell him. Since you guys are having a conversation together, I assume that you're friends, and that he was probably joking. Not a big deal.