Creeper alert!

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my boss came over to my desk and struck up a casual conversation about movies. After a while, he sat on the edge of my desk, nodded toward my chest, and said in the same casual, lighthearted tone, "And nice cleavage today. Keep that up." FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 728
You deserved it 13 838

Same thing different taste

Top comments

baydestrian_girl 0


tigerarmy_13 0

you should have of slapped him! that was beyond rude...he could have of kept his comment t himself.

I love you #179. I am in your camp ALL THE WAY!

I fail to see why I should care. If you don't want people to talk about it, then don't show it off.

lmao.. i think this is actually hilarious.

Sexual harassment right there...sue for lots of moneyz.

1.) shouldn't have sed tht 2.) if u DO keep tht up, (even more so) u could probably c a promotion in ur future. lol

ohhsnapp 0

timeee to get a new job. hahahah. report him.