Creeper alert!

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my boss came over to my desk and struck up a casual conversation about movies. After a while, he sat on the edge of my desk, nodded toward my chest, and said in the same casual, lighthearted tone, "And nice cleavage today. Keep that up." FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 751
You deserved it 13 844

Same thing different taste

Top comments

baydestrian_girl 0


I agree with #4 and #20 If you put it out there, you aren't dressed appropriately for work and he has every right to comment on it. If he makes an move or actually *does* something inappropriate, which so far he hasn't, then you should consider changing jobs or filing a harassment suit, but only then. If you don't want the comments, don't let them be seen. seb12992 (#16 and #19) - Obviously, if she's showing cleavage, parts of her breasts are visible. (cleavage - the area between a woman's breasts, esp. when revealed by a low-cut neckline) That's usually considered inappropriate in a professional environment. Therefore, if she puts it on display, then she can expect whatever comments she gets. She doesn't have to like it, but that doesn't mean it's harassment. Especially with the comment that her boss said. "Nice cleavage keep it up" isn't lewd, crude, or perverted. He simply stated very plainly that he liked being able to see her breasts and he actually said it in a way that any decent, intelligent (ie: non-feminazi) woman should be flattered to hear. He didn't reach down and give them a squeeze while saying, "Great boobs! You should show them off all the time." He essentially said, "Hey, that's nice, wear clothes like that more often."

lmmmr 0

OR such men could grow the **** up and stop making excuses for themselves just because they have no self control. Everyone should be able to wear the clothes that make them feel happy and confident, they should not have to cater to the immaturities and indecencies of the idiotic few.

Any confident and grown-up woman has lots of ways to solve a problem of unwanted attention, especially if it is just a compliment. It is you power to decide what you want to hear and what people you want to see around you. Self-control in everyone around is just a result of society-induced phobias, not a 'maturity'. Self-control in others is a replacement of confidence in you.

**** or GTFO. That's all I'm sayin', dude.

Ok #39, what you said happened to you if PURE sexual harassment, that is the stuff you report

Actually, I don't handle sexual situations well due child molestation that occurred from my earliest memories up until I was about 7 or 8. I tend to retreat within myself and let it happen so as not to be hurt. I'm seeing a therapist about it, but hey, thanks for reopening the wound.

No one "re-opened the wound"... you posted the response about it. I bet you would feel better if you tooks those ******* down.

HorrorByrd 0

I see a promotion in your future ahaha just kidding that actually sucks

1. that's sexual harrassment 2. If you don't want people looking at your cleavage, then cover up. Men are visual creatures. We like the sight of boobs and cleavage lines. A lot of us have the self control to not say anything about it. Some of us don't. But ALL heterosexual men must look. It's in our instincts. Cover up or accept the consequence of being viewed as such.

My boss has out rightly groped me, to the extent of tweaking my nipples while I just stood there, worried I'd loose my job if I did or said anything. Wear more conservative shirts, be short with him, and he'll get the message. This is hardly anything to bitch about.

lmmmr 0

What the ****? Do you have any self respect at all?

Oh hey, women with sense! I thought all hope was lost for FML :(

MSJ91 1

I don't understand (a lot of) women. They openly display their cleavage but when a guy notices, they get offended. >.>

Um.. my ex boss used that same line on me... you work for sp? LOL I quit... tell him it's not cool.

Clevage at work is innapropriate but does not give your boss the right to comment in what could be construed as a sexual manner. I'd address it with him first though before filing a formal complaint.

HAHAHAHAAA... YDI! Maybe you should learn what the phrase "business appropriate attire" means and not go to work looking trampy.

Lol, if he wasn't your boss you could have said 'I may keep my cleavage up, but I hear you've been unable to keep yours 'up' ;)'

cryssycakesx3 22

nah. that isn't funny enough to say to anyone...