Creeper alert!

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my boss came over to my desk and struck up a casual conversation about movies. After a while, he sat on the edge of my desk, nodded toward my chest, and said in the same casual, lighthearted tone, "And nice cleavage today. Keep that up." FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 751
You deserved it 13 844

Same thing different taste

Top comments

baydestrian_girl 0


cryssycakesx3 22

"today my boobs looked good. must make mental note to wear this shirt more."

Wow, really? You're an idiot. That is definitely harrassment.

seb12992 0

Hate to tell you this, but I'd quick that job if I were you. And FYL.

alex_vik 0

Oh ****, I was beaten to the House joke.

whoahanna 0

Maybe if you sleep with him, you'll get a promotion.

seb12992 0

How do you know her **** were out idiot. P.S. Just looked at your profile pic, you're one ugly mother.

seb12992 0

Actually I'm the same race as he is.

You should've said "No House, you can't perform that brain biopsy. Try to put the patient before your puzzle this time!"


Put your **** away and you won't have that problem...? YDI.

enuff_crying 0

I could not agree more, every woman should know how to sew!!!

lol, sew is putting to pieces of fabric together basically, lol idiot

Terilyn4500 0

thats sexual harassment you could sew!!!!!

It's the equivalent of someone going up to a guy and saying "nice package." It doesn't matter if it's sexual harassment or not (which it "legally" is), it's not appropriate conversation for work. I usually don't care if someone comments on cleavage (respectfully, of course) out in public, where people are allowed to comment on how they like the way someone dresses or looks. However, that type of conversation in work is not appropriate no matter how inappropriately she was dressed. A boss should only comment on it to tell her to dress more work-appropriate. She may have been dressed inappropriately but two wrongs don't make a right.

Yeah? You'd feel the same way if the boss making that comment to you was some hag or another guy? You're okay with them expecting you to put out if you want to keep your job? Have fun with that. :D

@ 88 and 169 1) Most of the men at my workplace would look at anybody who said such a thing very oddly. I cannot think of any reason anybody would ever say that without getting in trouble for it. 2) Even if her outfit was revealing (which she didn't say it was), the boss's comment was out of line.

thuryn 2

She wasn't asked to put out. Don't change the scenario to fit your agenda.

wow I still can't get over how yeller belly yall are when it come to "the work places" I'm so sorry your feelings got hurt and you where offended. he was polit about it and respectful. if you don't want people to comment on your brest then don't put them on display by dressing like a 2 cent *****. you should dress like a good'ol Mormon chick or a old school country gal if you don't want people not just men but women also to not commit on you brest. also wtf is every always crying about what someone said or how some one said it to yall. it's called having a spin why should I change my ways and what you say cause you offened. it offends me that I deployed to a country full of ppl that only want to kill American and then have to come home and try to find a job that's not the army and get yelled at and fired because every is just a bunch of soft Beller people. yall need to grow a spin life is to short to be getting pissed off for people taking advantage of there 1st ammendment. I can't belive how soft and sensitive society has become. it sickens me to death. how no one can take a compliment or an insult they act like it's the end of the world. well ill tell you what it's not. but a shameless shot of an ak47 fired by the coward ass ISIS mother ****** is the end of the world. but you boss complementing your brest in a polit way no its not even fml worthy

Terilyn4500 0

thats sexual harassment you could sew!!!!!

ooh and that's my next point yall lazy ass spineless saps with your f-ing sewing. you do realize that's support to be for if you physical get hurt at work and get no compensation or are wrongfully fired. at lest one it comes to the work place. not cause your boss polity complemented you brest.

christopherlove 0

People shouting harassment are morons. She put it on display. He complimented her without touching, staring, or saying anything perverted like "Nice ****!" He doesn't touch her or hint that sleeping with him would help her career. This isn't sexual harassment. I'm sure she didn't expect anyone to be so bold as to say this, but good for him that he did. This is nothing.

monkeyz0r 0

nice double comment there, its not like its the worst sexual harrassment ever, if she felt truly uncomfortable then maybe its bad, but otherwise jeez lighten up


Yowza. Sue him for sexual harrassment immediately.

It doesn't matter what the **** you're wearing or not wearing, you still don't deserve to get raped.

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