Creeper alert!

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my boss came over to my desk and struck up a casual conversation about movies. After a while, he sat on the edge of my desk, nodded toward my chest, and said in the same casual, lighthearted tone, "And nice cleavage today. Keep that up." FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 728
You deserved it 13 838

Same thing different taste

Top comments

baydestrian_girl 0


That's so gross! Jeez, that's so awkward

manoverboard 0

At least he didn't try and make a show of it... Or try and name them. But that'd be hilarious.

from how i see it, i think your boss is being sarcastic in a casual manner. his tone and words indicate that your cleavage is not suitable for the working environment, and "keep that up" insist that you should begin to dress more appropriately. If you're uncomfortable with his constant remarks, speak to your boss and clear up this incident. besides, all upper managers are well aware of the laws in regard to business. anyways, it can be 1. you're in violation of the dressing code or 2. he's interested in you. but hey, if he's goodlooking with great sense of humor, go for it. this is how you move up the corporate ladder.

you shouldn't show cleavage at work.

I_Love_Isms 0
cryssycakesx3 22

or try covering up with a business suit.

Creepy, but take his advice. Women get raises and promotions all the time cause of pervy bosses. Unless you're filthy rich, even I'd say it's worth it, and I'm the biggest prude I've ever met.

jennycaakes 0

thats soo creepy, but so funny.!

The fact that for whatever he reason he only just commented about it and followed it with "keep it up" implied that she doesn't normally have cleavage visible which means she probably got a new shirt a little lower than normal or maybe even had a wild night out, had a one night stand, and didn't have time to go get work clothes before she needed to be in the office. (Yes, I'm being sarcastic with the last situation, but you never know!) As it is, I have a "larger chest" as you put it and I have absolutely no difficulty what-so-ever finding and wearing clothes at all times that cover me to the extent that I feel I need to be covered. While I'm at work, my breasts aren't hanging out and there is no cleavage visible because that's completely inappropriate unless you work at a strip club! When I go out, I sometimes show off a little cleavage, but my breasts still don't hang out because I feel that it's never appropriate. However, if I'm showing anything, I expect the comments that I get. I don't whine that some guy comes up and says, "Hey, great ****!" Just like I don't complain when someone says I have a great smile. Granted, I get the "great smile" comments more than the "great ****" comments because I dress appropriately and conservatively regardless of where I am. And yes, if a woman wears a skirt, while the word "sexy" wouldn't be appropriate in the workplace, anyone has the right to comment on whether she has great legs or not. If you go out in public, every single person who sees you has every right to comment on your appearance in whatever way they choose! It's their right! You have the right to get offended if you don't like what they say, but they still have the right to say it. They don't have the right to be grabby, which he wasn't, and they don't have the right to threaten you or invade your personal space, but they can say whatever they want. In the workplace some of those "say what you want" rights are taken away, but he still said nothing out of bounds.

he isn't a perv. obviously the op dresses like a hooker. wear some more professional cloths you *****

lmmmr 0

No one asks to be harassed.