Creeper alert!

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my boss came over to my desk and struck up a casual conversation about movies. After a while, he sat on the edge of my desk, nodded toward my chest, and said in the same casual, lighthearted tone, "And nice cleavage today. Keep that up." FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 728
You deserved it 13 838

Same thing different taste

Top comments

baydestrian_girl 0


Exactly this. You don't like comments like that, stop wearing such slutty clothes. **** people who think it's cool to sue for no particularly good reason. He might have been joking around or insinuating that you need to fix your dress code. Jesus Christ, some people would do anything for a buck. It's like walking naked down a dark alley and getting pissed off when you get raped. Like, are you kidding me? Edit: Dude, what the **** is with the double comments? Obviously I only hit reply on one of these comments.

I'm sorry you feel this way, but the reality is you are delusional if you think that dressing any way she wants is acceptable. As I have previously pointed out, I have a full right to file a sexual harassment complaint against a female wearing revealing clothing - while most would call it silly, it is no different from a female filing a complaint about an inappropriate comment.

The thing is, unless you were at the scene when it happened, you have no actual proof whether she was wearing revealing clothing or not. There's always a possibility that she wasn't wearing revealing clothing.

ellbtvsvm 0

Has anyone considered that he might be being sarcastic?

cryssycakesx3 22
crownme 0

Well. . .is your boss ugly? Lol

sexuall harassment, but if you complain about it they might say you asked for it.

document and report. it's sexual harrassment and coniving as it can be with the economic climate it down that you recently repoted something like that could keep you employed if a few at your job was laid off you'd be avoided in case you might claim you were laid off over someone else cause your boss wanted you gone after reporting it.

I_Love_Isms 0

ok, I quit trying to reply to everyone. 95% of you are sexist assholes. But, what did I expect from this site? Grow up and realize how to treat other human beings. Ignorance is not bliss.

lmmmr 0

False. Women, just like men, wear the clothes that make them feel happy and confident. Just because some people are raised without class or decency doesn't mean that others should have to alter their wardrobe to suit the ignorance and rudeness of stupid people.

Glazed 0

Dont flaunt your cleavage if you don't want men looking at it. either take the compliment graciously or cover up bitch.

spoonboy 0

And even if she WAS dressed very inappropriately, that is not how a boss should address it. He should have said something like, "Please dress more professionally in the future", not "NICE **** LOLOLOLOLOL" like a horny teenage boy.

That is a valid point, which begs the question - how big of an idiot is her boss to say something like that? *facepalm*

There's no difference between showing your boobs and an appreciative comment about what you have shown. Except in the ****** up legal system we have.

spoonboy 0

She wasn't flashing the guy, for God's sake. He was looking down her shirt. There's a difference.

SVelasquez 0

Just report him for sexual harassment. That is illegal and pigish. And #80, shut the hell up and don't tell her what to do ya dickless prick.