
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, in my psychology class, the creepy guy who sits beside me every day leans over and says, "I have an upset stomach, I may have to use the bathroom." FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 264
You deserved it 2 527

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Here's a suggestion: ask to get ur seat changed

smashmaster52 0

Maybe it's a psychology experiment of some kind

I agree with 53. There is no reason for this guy to inform anyone that he may have to go to the bathroom. People just don't do that.

dguyuwishuwer 5

Did no one else realize that its probably a invitation for her join to join him....

There's been creepier... I mean, at least he didn't whisper spErrrrm.

vidwa 0

maybe he's messing with you, it is psych class.

TheyCallMeDamien 17

Should've asked him why are you telling me?

Indeed. That idiot seems to live under the illusion that the OP cares about him somehow. Also, I would add a " LEAVE ME ALONE! " scream if I was in the OP's place. You have to be blunt and direct because guys like him are particularly blind to subtle hints. Not just blind, but also completely unwilling to accept the obvious truth that she doesn't like him and that she considers him a creep.

BunBunBabe 8

No offense but if this is good enough to be a FML I could have a quote like that posted every week

He was probably being polite so that he didn't disturb you if he had to excuse himself quickly, or case you wodnered where he went to if he just suddenly left. Why didn't you say, oh that sucks, hope you get better soon? I don't see why this is creepy. FHL not yours OP.

tonic_clonic 4

How did this make it on here? Not an FML. Maybe if it had another sentence to make it interesting "And then he pulled down his pants and shat on my laptop while singing Baby Got Back"

tonic_clonic 4

what? ^ that comment did not need to be moderated.