
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, in my psychology class, the creepy guy who sits beside me every day leans over and says, "I have an upset stomach, I may have to use the bathroom." FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 264
You deserved it 2 527

Same thing different taste

Top comments


tonic_clonic 4

I feel for him, but he didn't need to share.

hateevryone 14

Yeahhh that sounds like a personal problem...

reheheally 1

You're in a psych class...he's screwing with you.

cajekraze 7

He heard about that party where 5 guys pissed on you. He thought you might like it

xIBleedPurplex16 0

I tell people when my stomach is bothering me all the time. I dont see any problem here.. And if you want to move seats I don't think seats are assigned or permanent so just move.

hahaleym 0

Maybe he wants you to come into the bathroom with him?

Not sure why this is an FML. I moderated it and said no, it's not an FML, it's a NOC (no one cares), as this isn't a big deal at all. It'd be an FML if he'd leaned over, said that, then threw up on OP. And before anyone flames me, this is just my opinion. OP was being pretty shallow.