
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, in my psychology class, the creepy guy who sits beside me every day leans over and says, "I have an upset stomach, I may have to use the bathroom." FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 264
You deserved it 2 527

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Maybe he thought you were cute but the words came out of his mouth wrong?

That's a case of verbal diarrhea in more ways than one it seems

He just wants to share his pain...after all a problem shared is a,problem halved

So the "creepy" guy in your college level class , who sits beside you every day, tells you something personal. Which will actually impact you if he has to get up during the class. Get over yourself, and grow up.

rizzybear 4

He was letting you know that he might disturb you during class. Not really sure what the FML is. He was trying to be polite. Time to grow up OP!

I suppose a classy person such as yourself would rather he did not talk to you and jump up at the last possible second pooping or throwing up on you. Yep, anything to keep the "creepy guy" from talking to you.

porcupineattack1 5

At least he didnt ask you to come supervise.

how is this an fml? boo hoo he dosent feel well so your life is ******.

Hey sounds very wise. Become an apprentice, you must.

Well, I bet you were.... *sunglasses* Psyched out.

That would have been 10 times more epic of that were a.... *sunglasses* Real expression.