
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, in my psychology class, the creepy guy who sits beside me every day leans over and says, "I have an upset stomach, I may have to use the bathroom." FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 264
You deserved it 2 527

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Like I said 2 fmls before... Do the creep haaa do the creep.

wildsweetchild 19

Maybe it's his way of saying "if i fart, it's not intentional".

Am i the only one who doesn't see an fml moment in this fml? Big deal, the guy needed to take a crap.

The new fml posts just haven't even been fml moments lately, maybe like 2-4 out of the last 20

Birdie_Sage 0

Move to a different seat, if you can. Why does he lean close to you like that? Don't you have any guts to tell him to get off you? You're allowing yourself to be touched. He's getting way too comfortable. Punch him in the stomach.

PYLrulz 17

TMI, and I don't mean the nuclear power plant

Indirectly quoting peter parker (not word for word), "could you please go back to the part where it is my problem?" and then kick him out of class

Yeah it worked so good for Peter Parker. His uncle did not die or anything.

Oh yeah? What's the worst he could do? Shit on me? ---pondering pause--- ---spread palms out facing the guy and slowly backs off---

I once scanned one of those books and read "The best way to get over an old boyfriend, is to get a new one." Saved myself 30 bucks not buying it.

perdix 29

I just commented on the "right" story and part of it was what you just said. What a coincidence!

Holy Hell, perdix! Thank goodness it was only "part"! Lol

Run. Run as fast as you can, it can only get worse

I meant that if he isn't feeling well, you should move away from him