
By tee - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Kansas City

Today, I was told it was inconvenient for me to take lunch breaks, because someone else has to answer the phones and no one else wants to actually do any work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 911
You deserved it 2 029

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"If I chose to quit right now, is that going to be an inconvenience to you? It will?! Oh my! ... I quit."

Roskosity 22

It'll be even more inconvenient when you waste away and they have to do your job anyway.


New job time. If you work 8 hours in a day you must get a 30 minute lunch and a 15 minute break. If its just 6 hours a 15 minute break. It's the law.

Unfortunately I'm currently in the same situation...

I've been there. It's not fun. Hopefully you can find another job.

Sounds like something my idiot boss would say. The sad thing is because you need the job there isn't a lot that you can do.

Find a new job as soon as you can. Get out before things get worse for you OP. Also... do take your lunch break - do get out of the building. And if you are meant to finish at 5pm, then from 4pm remain quiet (so people don't put "urgent" work on your desk at 4.55pm), pack up at 4.45, and just quietly walk out the door at 5pm on the dot.

philipjfry82 1

is that legal where you live? Isn't there some sort of employment laws that prevent that?


hahaha that sounds like my old job. get. out. of. there. seriously that job was one of the worst I've ever had just because nobody wants to fight for what is LEGALLY theirs everyday.

hopefully you have a good work ethnic and an good job review, Otherwise I would find another job.

BloodyGlass 10

That's illegal, that is intentionally breaking labor laws, and they will be in deep shit after you report them. :)