
By Anonymous - 03/05/2009 23:22 - United States

Today, I was about to lose my virginity with my girlfriend of two years, when I got an urgent phone call from my 9-year-old sister, telling me I had to come home immediately. My grandma fell off the toilet and got stuck between the bowl and the wall. I'm not making this up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 307 275
You deserved it 20 888

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's sad. I hope your grandma's alright! You're such a sweet boy for going home to help her. I'll take your virginity ;) Haha jk.

shortandloud 0

That sucks about not getting sex but I have to say that the whole getting stuck between the bowl and the wall is pretty hilarious.


Sugar_lipsXo 0

keep it in your parents. after your girlfriend dumps you, you'll be bitter for giving her your virginity. it's a sign bro.

fmyoptical 0

Because you did a good deed karma well help you and get you better sex the next time you try to lose that V card. :)

This made my day! Cockblocked by a slippery toilet.

Hahaha, That's the best FML I've read so far ^^

RedJester23 6

YOU GOT **** BLOCKED *clap...clap.... clap clap clap* instead of lets go eagles

megan_is_cool 0

HAHAHA. I found this completely hilariious. But, damn your life sucks

surferdude15 0

hmmmm " im not making this up" idk something about that sentence makes me want to accuse him of "making it up"

teensm 0
doll_face 0

#153, i thought the same thing. but this story is way too good to just call off. i'd like to think it's real :p