
By Anonymous - 03/05/2009 23:22 - United States

Today, I was about to lose my virginity with my girlfriend of two years, when I got an urgent phone call from my 9-year-old sister, telling me I had to come home immediately. My grandma fell off the toilet and got stuck between the bowl and the wall. I'm not making this up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 307 275
You deserved it 20 888

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's sad. I hope your grandma's alright! You're such a sweet boy for going home to help her. I'll take your virginity ;) Haha jk.

shortandloud 0

That sucks about not getting sex but I have to say that the whole getting stuck between the bowl and the wall is pretty hilarious.


dafodil69 0
hottiegirl09 0

WOW mood killer! lol Well after that did you still lose it?

i know that feeling, my uncle fell off the dunny at a wedding took 5 guys and rope to get him up.

You have no idea how cursed I am with this kind of shit.

Erinx3 0

Your Grandmother just has to be one of the best women, ever. That is HILARIOUS. Oh my God. I would've died. But, 2 years?! C'mon. **** her. :)

#93 - just because you wait to have sex until after your 15/16 doesn't make you a prude. not everyone wants to be a ***** in high school. and to the OP, i say one day you should tell your grandma this story, maybe she would apologize haha.

i don't get all these FMLs about people answering their phones or reading texts right before or when their having sex. must not be all that great if you get distracted by the phone. :/

I kinda agree with #163 about the whole looking at your phone when fooling around thing, but still. I was having a really sucky day. I was hungover, plus being sick all week and barely able to talk. This FML seriously just made my day.

sammmmb 0

awww, i agree with #1! thats so cute! and as for helping your grandma, you did the right thing, and the time will come again. trust me. it always does. your'll lose it. :) goodluck!