
By Anonymous - 03/05/2009 23:22 - United States

Today, I was about to lose my virginity with my girlfriend of two years, when I got an urgent phone call from my 9-year-old sister, telling me I had to come home immediately. My grandma fell off the toilet and got stuck between the bowl and the wall. I'm not making this up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 307 275
You deserved it 20 888

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's sad. I hope your grandma's alright! You're such a sweet boy for going home to help her. I'll take your virginity ;) Haha jk.

shortandloud 0

That sucks about not getting sex but I have to say that the whole getting stuck between the bowl and the wall is pretty hilarious.


kelsey_xv 0

that is awesomely funny.... but sucks, really bad. if that woulda happened to me, i woulda did it, then went home. stuck in traffic, eh? ;] unless it was close to your house. then you could just say you had to take a moster dump or something. o.0

kelsey_xv 0

i meant to say monster dump. lol

Ms_Thingie 0

OMFG I pictured ur grandma and I still can't stop laghing

Ms_Thingie 0

OMFG I pictured ur grandma and I still can't stop laughing and u pulling her out LOOOL seriously I peed a little

CaptainPlank 0

LOL did you finish? at least? grammy can wait!

blackbear6193 0

who even LOOKS at a phone when your this close to sealing the deal. im taking your man card on this one, sir.

SarahSickles 0

poor grangran D; i hope she was okay): are you&her still togerher??

LadyV 0

Cockblocked by Grandma. FYL.

freeterzz 1

HAH that's hilarious if you think about it ! i'm sorry, you'll get another chance d :