Fair warning

By Alwayshappens2me - 17/07/2009 23:09 - United States

Today, I learned that even when you put a sock on the door because you are having sex with your boyfriend, it doesn't mean your mom won't walk into your brand new apartment for a "surprise visit." FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 448
You deserved it 10 516

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Amphysvena 11

actually, that's not true. i'm currently in college and the sign for having sex isn't a sock on the door. it's locking the damned thing.

And a sock on the door would help... how?


Suffertree 0

How is she being a ****? She's having sex with her boyfriend. You people amaze me.

#33, don't mind Suffertree. It's actually a sad story, what happened to him. Several years ago, his mother abandoned him. She was cheating on his father, and Suffertree actually found the evidence. This - coupled with his mental challenges - pushed him over the edge. Unfortunately, we don't think he'll ever recover from it.

girandwogpig 0

Lol sacredpoppy you OWNED Suffertree

A sock on the door = people getting laid inside? Well, I'm still in high school, so I wouldn't know =P But you know, you'd think a locked doorknob would be a better deterrent than an sock -_-

wouldn't your life be more eff if mom called you from outside saying she knows what the sock means, and she will be waiting in the car til you finish? i think it would, actually

marxmarv 0

YDI if you'd answer the phone right then.

I don't think the commenter meant called as in phoned, but called as in yelled out. o.O

You don't think her mom had a key to her place? If you lock your bedroom door when you live alone with your door locked, then you're ******* paranoid.

My mom does not, and never will, have a key to my home. The only people who have keys to my house are the ones who actually live with me. In fact, I don't know ANYONE that hands out the keys to their homes to their parents. What's the point? You're on your own for a reason. So I don't understand the assumption that her mother has a key.

I was going to ask if you are silly enough to give your mom a key to your house, but then I looked at your profile and saw that you are only 16, so no wonder you have no ******* idea.

You know it is possible that the OP could have given her mother an apartment key. Yes, I still live with my mother because I'm sixteen too, but the OP could have done it and obviously regretted it later. Some people don't think about these kinds of things ahead of time. Maybe next time she'll think twice about giving her Mom a key to her apartment now won't she?

Yeah, grown ups don't give house keys to their parents. Why would they?

My mother had a key to one of my old places in case I locked myself out, or I got stuck out of town and needed my pets taken care of. But, my mom also isn't the type that would ever go in without permission.

Darth_Taco 14

I'm going to assume your mother had a key to your place. See, this is why I don't give ANYONE a key to my anything. If your mom is anything like me, she'll just randomly barge in unannounced and think it's completely ok because you came out of her ******, even though she's the kind of person that would be horribly humiliated from walking in on you doing something like having sex xD. I just hope your mom learns. Maybe you should've told her ahead of time what the sock on the door meant. If you have your own place, I assume you're an adult. It shouldn't be too hard for her to know that you're having sex. Hell, I still live with my mom and she's seen the various bite marks my boyfriend tends to leave on my breasts and shoulders lol. Still, I'm so sorry xD!

I love your user name, lol. OP: I'm sorry! There's nothing quite like the embarrassment of getting caught by your parents.

I did not know what this meant. but apparently OP didn't know that a lock works better than a sock. YDI

bigbeau 0

to #13 screw locking or anything by the time i did all that i wouldve ****** and moved on to another bitch

You put a sock on the entry door of your apartment? If you have a room mate, and it's her that you're worried about, why not just text her and tell her that you're getting lucky? If you don't have a room mate, why put the sock on the door in the first place if you weren't expecting anyone?

ElMundio87 0

Regardless of sock signs and that sort of rubbish, your mum has no excuse for not knocking and waiting to be let in. FYL indeed.

dyingstart 0

I'd say YDI for leaving your door unlocked unless she had a key