Fair warning

By Alwayshappens2me - 17/07/2009 23:09 - United States

Today, I learned that even when you put a sock on the door because you are having sex with your boyfriend, it doesn't mean your mom won't walk into your brand new apartment for a "surprise visit." FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 448
You deserved it 10 516

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Amphysvena 11

actually, that's not true. i'm currently in college and the sign for having sex isn't a sock on the door. it's locking the damned thing.

And a sock on the door would help... how?


Don't come a knockin', the sock on the door is doin' the lockin'.

omg i am number 59!!!!!!!!! (second and first SEE how stupid that sounds??) get a life! as for the op, never heard of a sock on the door... and i was in college for 5 years

I said this was a FYL because I don't know the circumstances, but I do also have to join the chorus of people wondering why: 1) you didn't have your door locked and/or 2) if you did, why did you give your mother a key? It is a very embarrassing situation, but one that you probably could have avoided.

WTF? no lock? I would visit to people that no lock and sex.

FlaminYawn 0

Sex is for reproductive purposes within a marriage only...you deserve it for being a sinner. Unless you were ****** doggy, that's not a sin.

Chaith 16

Missionary is the reproductive position, duh! :]

solaris1302 0

I hope you are joking. If you really do care about the sinning, then get it right: all of it is sin unless there is 0 birth control involved, it is within marriage, and it is vaginal. Position doesn't matter, the ability to get pregnant and the "within marriage" are all that matter.

Considering the human race is one of the few species that cam and often does have sex for pleasure only, I think that maybe, possibly, you should put down the bible and go live a little. It would do you well.

Bullshet 0
magichateball 0

@ #66 the other species that has sex for pleasure are dolphins...trivia for today. as far as this FML, i dont think the sock on the door would have worked i think the OP needs to impress on her mom that it is her apartment and her mom needs to respect that and call before she drops by regardless of whether she has a key or not.

lol why a sock of all things if you're having sex?