Game on

By sasquatch21 - 21/02/2010 13:36 - Bahrain

Today, I realized that my husband has a video games addiction. I am currently pregnant; he brought us to the same country he's in so we can finally live together, only for me to witness him being glued to his laptop all day and all night playing WoW. He's forgotten I even existed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 620
You deserved it 5 917

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lol she's pregnant with his kid and you're asking if he's still a virgin?

My boyfriend has a XBOX 360 addiction. Try getting into WoW so you'll have a commen interest. You know what they say "Cant beat 'em, join 'em"!


imchanel 0

unplug the computer and say its "broken"

rayrayandbread 0

you don't live in the same country? I'm so confused?

This is what's wrong with the people saying that her life sucks. She totally deserves this. She apparently got married to someone who didn't live in the same country as her and didn't know her husband enough before they were married. I'm glad he's a WoW addict and you're going to be stuck with that child forever alone.

I think you deserve it because you have a problem with it. You've obviously developed some sort of stereotype and associate video games with bad. Have fun trying to deal with it instead of accepting the inevitability that with such stereotypes in your thought processes you will always find something wrong with whoever you meet.

you know people she can't dump him they are married she can get a divorce!!!

kristen_lesli 0

wait, question. if you just moved in with your hubby, and you had no idea that he's addicted to video games, how are you guys married? hmmm... Internet dating on a whole new level.