Game on

By sasquatch21 - 21/02/2010 13:36 - Bahrain

Today, I realized that my husband has a video games addiction. I am currently pregnant; he brought us to the same country he's in so we can finally live together, only for me to witness him being glued to his laptop all day and all night playing WoW. He's forgotten I even existed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 620
You deserved it 5 917

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lol she's pregnant with his kid and you're asking if he's still a virgin?

My boyfriend has a XBOX 360 addiction. Try getting into WoW so you'll have a commen interest. You know what they say "Cant beat 'em, join 'em"!


You may want to rethink your situation. You and your husband should really start thinking about the baby. you and him should set ground rules and take charge. if he is beeing a problem, get help from his parents and your parents. Im not saying that he has to give up his video games, he should limate his time. if it turns sour, you may want to reavaluate where you are. hope thinks work out, RI

iwannafuckyaman 0
kristen_lesli 0

I think it was meant to be limit. :)

by the way good luck driving yourself to the hospital cuz we all know he'll be too busy in a "raid"

try playing with him in the game. after a few months get him to park the account. it's only a phase..

dphilipson12 0

you should be playing too. if you play WoW with you husband then I garauntee your marriage will be a lot better. trust me. WoW is a fun game anyway, and it's more than gaming. it's a way to meet new poeple make friends and just have a good time. stop bitching and go have fun with your man.

deannacx 0

That makes no sense and was not clever at all.

Oh God, what a loser. WoW is one of the universe's most retarded creations. delete his character and dump him.

Falahhs94_fml 0