
By Anonymous - 18/01/2011 18:35 - United States

Today, my extremely lazy roommate is in bed with the flu. Instead of getting up to get water, he's run the garden hose through his window, and instead of going to the bathroom, he's connected a siphon to his penis and run it to a 5-gallon bucket. I have to live with this idiot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 585
You deserved it 5 197

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's not laziness, that is pure innovation.

IFightFoos 0


That peice of injenuity is hilarious. Though I doubt he has the flu if he is able to do that kind of things.

I bet you wish you were jenius like that.

witch00321 0

I bet you wish you could spell 'genius.' :P

I bet you wish you could understand sarcasm.

witch00321 0

Ouch.. Didn't mean it in a mean way, as I guess most people decided to take it as...

witch00321 0

How did you guess? :O Was it my total lack of tact?

In the wise words of Cinn: "you will be cynical once you're around enough to recognize everyone's names"

Acousticpixie14 6

Hey now...I'm not cynical. At least...I don't think I am. Oh crap, am I? You damn morons...

mandypandypants 4

Lol! give your roommate some credit. that was pretty genius of him.

MarineWifey88 3

Points for ingenuity. When you're sick, movement is torture!

I must admit he's genius! a tad gross, but genius none the less. (:

davek 36

Idiot? Sounds like genius to me.

0opsie 6

Hah. Now when you complain about him he can say "Suck my siphon."

Stick your dick in the garden hose and piss in it. Everyday. Or... every time he needs water, bend the hose.

That would be kind of hard, since his friend never leaves.

I'm going to have to disagree with pretty much everyone here. This isn't genius, it isn't epic, it isn't ingenuity, it isn't creative. It's ******* disgusting. I've had the flu (and various other ailments) that have made me feel sick as shit, but when I needed to void, I dragged my sorry ass to the bathroom and pissed in the toilet like a civilised human being. I fully expect this comment to get voted down all to hell, but **** it.

fthku 13

I knew you'd be the voice of reason here, Doc. Though I didn't expect you to write anything in a serious manner.

I think it's one of those things that's funny for those who don't have to put up with it, myself included.

Doc, this is out of your nature. Usually when I read your comments I expect to find wit and giggles around every corner. Although I agree, this is disgusting.

Acousticpixie14 6

I have to disagree. Notice, he says his roommate is lazy, not that the flu is the source of this. It seems like that is just added information. For a young man to come up with this on his own seem quite creative to me. If I were to see that in a comedy, I'd probably giggle a bit. I do agree that it's disgusting, but since when are males not disgusting? I do pity the OP, but I have to give kudos to his roommate for concocting a way to be the epitome of laziness. And Doc...why so serious? ]:

Bah humbug. Certain things piss me off, and laziness is one of them. *DocBastard's management team would like to apologise for the serious comment. The situation has been rectified.

fthku 13

Acousticpixie, last I checked, as disgusting as males are (as you put it), we don't normally fill up buckets of our own urine in the house. And honestly, ignoring the fact that I don't like laziness like this, THIS is what you guys consider creative? It's a hose through the window and a bucket full of piss. :|

Acousticpixie14 6

Thank you, Doc. All of FML appreciates it, I'm sure [: #163... You have to be honest, if you were so lazy that you wanted to just not ever get out of bed, would you have thought of running a hose through your window and siphoning your penis? I think not. The best I'd probably come up with (As being 9 months pregnant means I rarely want to move at all) is to fill up a Big Gulp with water on my nightstand, but that still means I have to get up every few minutes to use the bathroom. And yes, that is a bucket full of urine, but although urine smells atrocious, it's not full of bacteria like fecal matter is. And his probably wouldn't smell too bad if he's putting the hose to good use. I've known many men who only shower once a week, do not brush their teeth, pee in the kitchen sink when the bathroom is occupied, do not ever wash their hands, blow their load anywhere they please, etc. So although what OP's roommate is doing is disgusting, it really isn't that much worse than the things men do every day. My apologies if you are a man and you take offense. I merely speak the truth.

fthku 13

I am a man. I'm not offended, it's just not true. MOST men don't do things as disgusting as these. I feel like I'm bringing up the army point at every FML lately but, it just fits! D: I've been in the army. You can imagine there'd be pretty disgusting things in the army- regarding the guys I serve with of course, not talking about body chunks. I've had friends who did some pretty disgusting things and I've had to do some pretty nasty things myself.. oh you don't want to know. But not as disgusting as living with our excrements in the room. I can't say if I would have thought about that, because my mind doesn't work overtime to come up with ways to be the most efficient lazy slob. But I suppose drinking bad water and pissing into a siphon- which probably causes a lot to squirt back out on the guy (unless it's a big tube)- is oh so creative. Cheers. =)

Acousticpixie14 6

Well every man I've ever meet under the age of...ohhh about 35...has done at least one of those things. No, I'm not "generalising." Learn to spell.

fthku 13

Hey, I'm not agreeing with him but what's wrong with "generalising"? That's spelt just fine.

Acousticpixie14 6

I forgot, for a moment, that this is an international site. In America, it's generalizing. My apologies.

fthku 13

Shame on you, I figured that's why you wrote that. If this FML was newer, you'd have 50 British people jumping on you saying that British English was there first! Fortunately I'm neither American nor British.

Acousticpixie14 6

Lucky... I hate calling myself an American. Being surrounded by so many uneducated and so many ignorant kids and just plain stupid citizens automatically knocks my IQ down a few points ]:

Also, take in mind that for him to have his dick stuck in a hose and run ANOTHER hose to the window, he'd have to get up from bed and do more work than going to the bathroom.