Get on with it

By deflated - 09/08/2009 16:54 - Ireland

Today, as my girlfriend was dropping me home, our goodbye kiss got kind of heavy. Still parked in my drive, we had fast, frenzied sex. After, we realised that she had never put the hand brake on and that we had rolled down my drive, blocking my dad who was patiently waiting to pull in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 823
You deserved it 59 766

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Escapist28 0

I think technically he was waiting for you to pull out.

Maddoctor 10


patiently waiting for you to pull OUT so he could pull in =] edit: just realised someone beat me to it. oops

remivt 0

You stupid idiot. YDI for even thinking you're fit to make babies.

Awesome dad you got there, I really don't see the issue here.

fast sex, so he only had to wait 30 seconds? while seeing your girlfriend naked.

hey at least it wasnt HER dad lol. my dad would of been like thats my boy lol. it could of been worse :P

Leah_witty 0

At least he didnt walk over and knock on the window.

this fml is quite funny xD but anyways, i wanted to say i saw a comment on this a while ago sayin the guy deserved it cause he was irish and we're good for nothin only sitting and getting blocked, which is untrue. i happen to be irish, and the guy that said that happens to be an arsehole. i'm a 14 year old girl and have more sense than him to judge ppl on their nationality...

Well as awkward as that is, If he was patiantly waiting, He seems pretty cool.