Get on with it

By deflated - 09/08/2009 16:54 - Ireland

Today, as my girlfriend was dropping me home, our goodbye kiss got kind of heavy. Still parked in my drive, we had fast, frenzied sex. After, we realised that she had never put the hand brake on and that we had rolled down my drive, blocking my dad who was patiently waiting to pull in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 823
You deserved it 59 766

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Escapist28 0

I think technically he was waiting for you to pull out.

Maddoctor 10



been there done that....but in my case it was at work and my boss was gonna take my spot

Back home for the summer. Still in high school maybe... Get a life.

uh wut Anyway I like this comment a lot is what I mean

quackquackquac 0

he was waiting to pull in, while you pull out...

hatarou 0

looks like he was waiting for you to pull out also

Yeah. YDI for being stupid ***** and not being able to keep the sausage in the fridge for a while longer.

soccerchick02 3

this is wat a beds for. duh :P ydi

Plum_fml 0

Hmmm thats weird. so he just sat there patiently while you guys had sex? Why didn't he just honk?

Your GF drives a stick. She is a keeper, and awesome. Unless you are on a very steep hill you will not roll back in a car with an automatic transmission. FYL.

You deserve it for being a huge **** and not waiting for marriage and not being in a room. But most of all you are a dirty, cheap car ***** and a desperate cheap ***** for letting your girlfriend **** you infront of your house. You disrepected your body, your car, your house, your family and your integrity. (See what I did there?)