Great conversation starter

By balkangirl94 - 23/12/2011 07:42 - United States

Today, a guy tried to seduce me by talking about incest. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 494
You deserved it 3 738

Same thing different taste


Guy: "Hi! I'm Jeffy, you're really pretty! Would you go to dinner with me?" Girl: ".... Hi... Well I have plans to do Anything other than that..." Guy: "Would you change your mind if I told you how hot you are? It must be cause you remind me of my sister.... And my sis is a babe!!! We bump uglies all the time!!!"

Are you** Unless the person has died. Then you would still be wrong because it's were.

bobbycorwen 5

It's this new kinky phase that some people just got into. Turn off safe search and google it.

It's what your brother has been doing before the mornings you wake up sore.

"incest is best, it's a game the whole family can play!" But seriously wtf? Fyl

Incest is best put your sister to the test when you're about to blow your load think of your mom

Llama_Face89 33

Somehow it doesnt surprise me this happened in Florida.

That's not a Florida thing... Alabama . Arkansas etc not Florida

Yes because stereotypes are fact......good call

Shadow4i5 3

How is this a stereotype for Florida? I'd be different if it was a tranny or gay thing

NullPointer 20

I had a girl do that to me. I didn't mind it, until she started saying she was my sister and used my real sister's name. She could pretend to be my sister all day, so long as she didn't pretend to be one of my actual sisters.

Then with a counter, 'seduce' him with **********. Sounds wrong but to deter extreme people seeks extreme measures .

So was this ur brother or your cousin and how long did it take for you to decline? I mean you were tempted.... Lol

MyPetNinja 14

Ok I'm a little confused on why you took the time to write out "your" the second time but not the first...