Gym bro

By kaplwv116 - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my extremely in-shape boyfriend told me he hasn't had a chance to work out lately. I jokingly poked him in the belly saying he's getting chunky and winked. He burst into tears. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 066
You deserved it 41 249

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dudeitsdanny 9

It's funny how if this was a guy doing it to his girlfriend, people would be insulting OP to no end.. Instead people are mocking the boyfriend. No one likes being called chunky, or fat. Especially if he's one of those people who work really, really hard on their bodies.


I think even if the guy had weight issues or if being in shape is important to him, he needs to lighten up. She was clearly kidding around, OP, no need to cry about it.

badlanguage22 0

Wow. Your bf's a little bitch lol

YDI for dating a sissy. Maybe he should spend more time growing a pair instead of shrinking them with roids.

That sucks. Fat people are supposed to be jolly.

people OP was obviously joking. I do admit you need to watch what you say but you people way down below in the comments are overreacting. She was KIDDING. But he does need to man up a bit tho... (:

Cplatmaster 2

That statement is completely contradictory. "She was kidding, but he should take it seriously (ie. 'Man up')"?

lisha88 1

maybe he used to be fat so he has low self-esteem so u should apologize

ohcomeonsrsly 6

maybe he should work on his self-esteem issues and man up. it's hard, but not impossible.