By Kensie - 04/03/2009 21:48 - United States

Today, it is mine and my twin sister's birthday. We both wanted a day at the spa for our birthday. My sister got a gift certificate to the spa, while I got mouthwash and a $20 gift card to Target. My mom said it would cost too much to make me also pretty. FML
I agree, your life sucks 121 788
You deserved it 5 987

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What a douchey thing to do! If they couldn't afford it for both, they shouldn't have given it to one. I'm sorry, man.

:( that sucks! Way to go mom *rolls eyes*


Crabby 0

Okay, I'm calling B.S. on this one. No mother -- not even Joan Crawford, for Christ's sake -- would do that. Sorry, this is just made-up. Next!

SarahHach 0

Think of it this way, maybe your parents think you're the better looking twin and if they could not afford two, they got the spa treatment for the ugly twin. xD

What is it with so many users on FML with hateful parents?

Asaroth 9

I think it's like 75% of the reason FML was created in the first place.

wtf! thats so mean!! i think you're probly the prettier one.

#13 your retarded. there are plenty of asshole mothers that have thier favorite child and treat them a lot better than the other. do you really think that in this entire world there is no mother like that and the daughter just happened to post that up on this site? come on now

Sometimes the more I read on FML the more faith i lose in people. Who the **** does that? Seriously. You have my condolences, and even more sympathy if you were identical twins.

I dont buy this I have a twin and were not identical we are always treated the same , as well all the other twins I know ppl need to stop making shit up.

that is soooo unfair a mouth wash?! 20$ gift card to target?! wot the ****! i mean c'mon ur identical twins y the **** should u be treated differently?